Friday, February 5, 2010

sew & tell: more pillows?

Can you ever have TOO many pillows?  I don't think so! (my husband some people in my house may disagree with you.)  I think they are an awesome way to bring color or some signature to an otherwise boring space.  Which my whole piece of garbage rental happens to be.

I finally made these pillows for my bed this week!
I. LOVE. them.  More than I thought I would.  I wish you could see the scale of those flowers - they are huge!  The fabric is from Amy Butler's Nigella collection, as is my duvet.  These pillow forms are 26" down from IKEA. FOR TEN DOLLARS!!!  Seriously.  I'm going to be so sad when we aren't so close to an IKEA.  I might have to stock up before we move.   I actually think I need to make one more - these will kind of serve as the backdrop for the other pillows I'm going to make.  Yes, there will be more!

Oh, but I almost forgot.  Did you want to see the reverse?
I found some Nigella on clearance last year and wanted to buy some more to match my duvet.  I didn't want to be all matchy-matchy, but it was a little hard to decide without actually seeing the fabric in person.  So, I went to Amy Butler's site to look at what she did with the fabrics.  She paired these two together and although I wasn't drawn to it initially, in person and finished and on my bed - awesome.  I have some of these too - to complete the 'pillow montage'. 
I'm so happy to have these finished!  Makes me want to get the other pillows/shams finished too!  Soon.  I promise.  I don't want to move without these finished.

Thanks everyone for your link-ups each week.  Things are so busy lately that I feel bad I haven't been able to reply to every comment and post.  Bear with me!  I am checking in on your posts and you guys are amazing! And productive!  And you're welcome to all of you who thank me each week for doing this.  I wish I could say it's purely selfless, but it keeps me going too!  so THANK YOU! Really, I mean it.

What did you finish this week?
(Following the rules will ensure a good time for all!)
1. Link to your specific post (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in.  (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!


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