Friday, July 29, 2011

Sew & Tell - Live! Utah edition

Did you know that Sew & Tell on this little blog here was born between two blogging friends who needed the motivation and deadline to finish some projects?  The whole idea is that as you all joined up with a link of what you had finished and we all shared and commented and ooh and ahhed over each other's work - it would be like my virtual living room where you all came over to discuss all things sewing.

So, I've often lamented how I wish you could come to my house for real and we could sit and chat.  Luckily for me my mom lives in Utah and so do a lot of the friends I've made here.  When an opportunity for my whole family to be together this summer surfaced we had to make plans to go (much to my dismay at the thought of traveling alone with 3 littles).  I immediately emailed Pink (aka pinksuedeshoe) and told her we were finally going to get to meet and hang out!  Then she offered to throw me a party.  A blogging party! A BLOGGING AND SEW AND TELL PARTY!!! I was so excited!!

It turned out to be as fabulous to meet my people (as Amy S. - Diary of a Quilter put it) and share some projects. And eat some delicious treats.
lime pie cakes
lime pie cakes courtesy of pink  - see recipe here.

and drink some Diet Coke (to stay awake...)
a necessity for late night visiting

and see Pink in her other element:
pink, in her element

It was so fabulous in fact that we got together again a few nights later so some others could come who missed the first night.  Nadine of Material Girl's Quilts was so awesome to let us come to her shop and eat our Cafe Rio (YUUUUUMMMMM) in her back room and shop until past 11.  She's like the fairy fabric godmother!  I think I'll have to share that night in another post...

I've been trying to figure out how to share all the goodness with you, so I've decided to just go the inundate-you-with-pictures route.  Hope you don't mind!

To start out - here we all are at Pink's house:
us #2

From left to right we are Amy, Diary of a Quilter, Amy, Vintage Fern, Erin, Two More Seconds, Leigh, Leedle Deedle, Elizabeth, Such a Sew and Sew, Vicki, Sew Inspired, Pink and me.

We went around the group and shared what we like about blogging, how we met our husbands, and a project.  Entertaining for sure!

Now a disclaimer, most of these pictures were taken while people were talking.  So ignore the talking faces and refer to smiling faces above.  :)

Here is Elizabeth's snowball quilt.  I was amazed at the detail in the quilting.  That she did on her own little machine.
Elizabeth's snowball quilt
Elizabeth's quilt back

And Vicki sells the pattern for this adorable Ruffle Crush quilt. I love the colors!
Vicki's Ruffle Crush

Erin showed us a block for her month of the bee we are in together, Bee Tweet.
Erin's WIP
Erin is the co-coordinator of The Sewing Summit. I'll be there - will you? I can't wait!

I loved and was impressed by the handwork of Leigh's hexagon project.
Leigh's WIP
There are more pictures of this (and the other projects) in my Flickr set.

My cute mom came to join in the fun and she brought this little tessalation quilt that she recently finished.
my mom's tessalation quilt
Ironically enough, the charm pack she used for this was purchased during my last visit at the shop where Amy S. works!

Pink shared her awesomely pink hair and quilt.
Pink's ruffle quilt

Amy R. brought two quilt tops. This cute one from a mystery quilt along she participated in:
2nd quilt
and this one, from the first year of the bee we were in together. It's wonky log cabins out of vintage sheets! so cute! and of course, we love the birds around here.
amy's bird quilt

One of my favorite things about the evening was finally seeing Pink's creative space! I always love the pictures she takes in there. Here are Leigh and Erin enjoying it:
Erin and Leigh enjoying Erika's crafty space
and pilfering it!
pilfering her stash
They may or may not have arranged some fabric swaps while in there.

It really was great to meet all of these ladies and spend the evening talking fabric together.  The best part was the initial meeting where I had to match up real life faces with pictures I've seen!

So I shared the skirt I was wearing that night, and I finished yet another one yesterday.  Aren't you sick of seeing them though?

Okay, I'm wearing it right now, so here's an iPod photo for you:
Skirt #3
I have a great idea to take pictures of all the skirts we've been making around here all together. We'll see if it happens...

What did you finish this month? And of course - if you were able to help someone with a project,  do share!
A few guidelines for sew & tell:
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell.  If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person.
3. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button.
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!

Friday, July 22, 2011

vacation all i ever wanted...

I just got back from a trip to see my mom who happens to live in Utah fabric shop mecca.  I took a bunch of projects with me, but didn't get as many finished as I'd hoped.  I was too busy hanging out with family, friends and sewing bloggers in real life!  It was so fun!  But I'm afraid 2 weeks wasn't quite long enough.

I have over 500 pictures to go through, so I'll leave you with a few snapshots of some of the things we did.

lemon cake
It was my mom's birthday while we were there. So I made a little cake. Lemon cake mix, lemon curd filling (recipe here) and cream cheese frosting. And yes, that is basil on the top - just for decoration. The cake was a hit! The boys (and there were a lot of them) ended up cleaning up the leftover lemon curd out of the bowl with their spoons.

another top!

I finished another one of these tops. This time I made it a bit longer, and I like the length better. I also used bias tape to finish the neckline like it says too. Once again I used elastic thread to finish off the sleeves. I also learned that I like my serger (a White) better than my mom's Hobby Lock. It's probably because I know my machine better.

working on the pieced back of my ginger blossom quilt

I finally got the back of this quilt figured out. I was hoping to quilt it on my aunt's longarm while I was there but I didn't get it put together. Luckily I have an awesome mom who said she would do it for me! THANKS MOM!!

adult skirt turned sundress

My sister-in-law made this cute dress out of a size 14 thrifted skirt. She just took chunks out of the sides and then sewed some pleats in the top and added the straps. Genius!

that's for real.  Utah sunsets are pretty awesome.

I tried to spend as many nights as I could watching the sunsets from the back deck. Seriously gorgeous.

There are some other fun things I was able to do, people I met and fabric I bought. I'll share more soon!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

flashback, retro, vintage... whatever you want to call it

My mom made me this dress when I was about the same age as my oldest is now.
me in a dress my mom made me.
I didn't know she had held onto it but it found it's way to my house a year or so ago.

My oldest found it in the closet and wants to wear it every day!
same dress 30 something years later.

It's true, we might look a little bit alike. I really think it's that dress that inspired me to make this one for her earlier this year.

Nice dress from Nicey Jane
Although in true amylouwho fashion, the one I made has an elastic neck and no zippers or bias tape finishing.  The one my mom made? Zippers, trim, bias finished edge, ruffle, you get the idea.

And I really ought to get a picture of her in the new one before she outgrows it, no?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

teacher gifts

I whipped these dishmats up the night before the last day of school.  I love a quick, easy and unique teacher gift. In another life when I taught school, the handmade heartfelt gifts were always my favorite.  I hoped my daughters PreK teachers would feel the same way. 
Dishmat #2

I reeeeeeeeeeaally wish I'd ordered some more of this Meadowsweet 2.  Sandi Henderson, if you ever read this, I love you for making such amazing fabric.
dishmat #1

And thanks again Kim for the amazing chenille.    If fabric addiction were illegal we'd both be in jail. Kim is my 'supplier'.

This time I put some cotton batting in the middle to give it some heft and absorbency.  Then a little stippling and a super easy rustic serged edge.
all wrapped up!

And you don't really need any wrapping paper for presentation.

Friday, July 1, 2011

sew & tell - july 2011

Happy July!  I know it's a long weekend for those celebrating Independance Day!

I've been on a sewing binge lately and realized that if I'm sewing a lot, I'm not blogging very much.  And if I'm blogging a lot, I'm not sewing very much.  This is a tricky balance since I try to blog about what I sew... so I'll spread out some of the projects I've been working on and just share a few of my favorites today.

I blogged about this skirt I made a few weeks ago.  I AM in LOVE and would wear it every day if I could get away with it.  So the next best thing?  Make more!  Here's the finished product of skirt #2.
new skirt #2
And I have another one cut out ready to sew!

And seriously, these skirts are so contagious! SO contagious in fact that the lovely Jessica, from diaper clutch and super sweet homecoming/reunion photo fame begged me to help her make some.  Okay, maybe she didn't beg, more like I insisted she could do it and she did!

I've said this before, one thing I love about sewing with other people is that I learn about fabric choices.  Everyone's vision is different and Jessica picked out some fabric that I never would have thought to use. AND WOW. I LOVE the final result.

We went to our LQS and she picked out some adorable pieces.  One Amy Butler (did you think she would be able to escape my influence?)

and Wonderland, anyone?
Jessica's awesomeness

I worked with this fabric a couple of years ago and made a bag out of it.  I guess I had it pigeonholed into bag or quilt only fabric.  But I love it in a skirt.  In fact, I think we are going to trade skirts for a week or so.  :)

My mom and I get to spend some time together for the next couple of weeks.  I hope to have some more fun stuff to show you!  It's always fun to sew with her.

What did you finish this month? And of course - if you were able to help someone with a project,  do share!

NEW RULES FOR LINKING UP!  Please read carefully.  The delete monster will be eating non-compliant links.
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell.  If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button.
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!