Monday, February 1, 2010

one more bloggy meet-up, last one!

I know, are you tired of me talking about all the blogging friends I met while I was in Utah?  I promise this will be the last vacation related post (well, maybe....)

I found Vanessa's awesome blog, V. and Co., sometime this past spring/summer while my husband was deployed.  I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it but I'm so glad I did!  She is funny, creative, crafty (just check out her tutorials), SO nice, etc. etc.  Her husband had been deployed the year earlier and she was a big support to me while mine was gone.  I was elated when she was able to work it out to come up and see me while I was in Utah.

She drove THREE AND A HALF HOURS (after having a 24 hour flu bug!!) to come see me.  See what I mean?? TOTALLY NICE.

We had tons of fun shopping, eating, chatting.  Did I say already how nice it is to meet my friends in person?  I'm telling you, this blogging community is awesome!

We met at Joann's, then ate at Cafe Rio - delish!  Then we went to a place called Tai Pan Trading.  It's like a warehouse full of home decor stuff.  I'd heard a lot about it but had never been.  I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything because I already had to ship some stuff home.... but I couldn't resist.  I bought 3 of these (the other 2 are different colors).
They are ceramic decorative balls.  I know!  What am I supposed to do with them?  V. suggested a hurricane or something to put them in, probably like this.  I'm trying to be hip.  We'll see how it goes.

We then went back to one of our favorite shops, The Material Girls.  I love that place.  She bought me some Nicey Jane!!  I KNOW!  I said she was totally nice.
Okay, so she bought it for me to make something for her.  But still!  I'm excited to work with this fun fabric!

And then, just because we were feeling dangerous we headed over to IKEA.  Man, I really love that place.  I like the idea of dreaming that my house will one day be so clean and organized.  Or something.

As we were saying good-bye, we realized we hadn't taken any pictures.  So here's a lame-o photoshopped self-portrait, with the flash too close in a dark warehouse store.  Captions added a la Vanessa.
I could go on and on about all the cool stuff on her blog.  But really just go check it out for yourself.  And a bonus? She's updating her Etsy shop today at 11:00 a.m. MST.  Awesome patterns and even some things made by her!

One thing I found out is that we share a common love for bright, fresh spring green.  It's her favorite.  It's my #2 (and goes so well with all the lt. blue, baby blue, turquoise of which I can't seem to get enough.)   So I had to snap this picture of this bench I saw on the porch of a new home for sale.

I thought about taking it, but I didn't know how I would get it home.  Plus, I didn't think larceny would look good on my record.  But it would look so great with my dresser.

Thanks again, Vanessa for making the trip up!  Next time I'm coming to the middle of nowhere to see you!

P.S. - Oh, one last shot.
I love their slogan.  I love their chocolates even more.  Especially the dark chocolate raspberry cremes.  Mmmmmmmmm.

P.P.S.  Woah sew & tell-ers!! 40 people this week!  Awesome - I'm working through them all!  Sorry I've been slow on the commenting! I do ♥ every last one of you!  Thanks for making each week so fun and motivating!!

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