Wednesday, February 24, 2010

some embroidery (and just a bit of complaining)

So I've been trying to decide what to share with you all the last couple of days.  I've been a little sidetracked from blogging.  I have been helping a friend make a bag.  And she's been very clever.  I love working with other people on the same projects I do and see their twist on my design.  Here's what I'm talking about:

She's says to me, "it would be cute to embroider around the flowers".  I say, "Why, yes it would.  And maybe a few beads in there too!" and just look at what she did!

Now I'm a little jealous I'm not making this bag for myself.  Full reveal to come soon.  We've got to make some more time for another lesson.

I really love helping people learn to sew.  I mean really, what better way to make your home more beautiful, your accessories more personal, and have a creative outlet you can do in your free time (when not taking care of life's other demands)?

I'm excited to be participating in this (click on the button for more info):

Over-used Recipes Swap
Tiffany emailed me and asked if I would contribute a recipe.  Of course, I picked the least photogenic food to share: meatloaf.  But what it lacks in good looks it makes up for in flavor.  I'll be sure to let you know when I'm up next week!

I really think I'm entering the cranky, ornery, crying stage of pregnancy.  I watched this movie the other night and cried for Mr. Thornton (here's a clip - don't worry, it's not a spoiler).  I've been spending a lot of time on the hamster wheel that is laundry, food prep and kitchen clean-up, it's getting old.  And I'm feeling stressed by not knowing EXACTLY where we'll be moving in a few months.  And yet, every time I finish a small sewing project, or feel an elbow sticking out of my side or hear my daughter say something funny and my baby boy give me a big kiss, I think it's not all bad.

I've felt a little distracted from the blogging community lately.  Much due to the aforementioned time consuming tasks. I hope you will forgive less frequent comments and visits, but know that I appreciate everyone of you and your enthusiasm and creativity which is infectious!

I did finish those other two bags this weekend and have Penny's bee block to finish this week.  Maybe I'll have a lot to share on Friday!  I also need some help deciding what to do for my baby's quilt.... Care for any suggestions?  I have a stack of Amy Butler Love fat quarters.  I would love your input on simple quick designs I could use....

And is it just me, or does Flickr run slow on Firefox?

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