Monday, January 14, 2008

Pride and Prejudice Fans, LOOKOUT!

What have I been doing lately? Mostly just recovering from Christmas, a cold, and being 8 months pregnant. Lots of time to lie around and do little.

Here's something I did do recently, while lying around, with my good friend Keri who came to keep me company while Nick is gone. I watched a BBC miniseries called North and South (there is no Patrick Swayze in sight - don't be fooled!) It was EXCELLENT!!! Mr. Thornton has been compared to Mr. Darcy and the story isn't just a fluffy romance. You can read about it here: North and South. If you liked the Colin Firth Pride and Predjudice miniseries you will love this, and possibly more than P&P! I know, hard to believe. And if you haven't seen P&P and love British productions you will enjoy this. It's 4 one hour episodes, so it's doable in one long night or two shorter ones. I just watched it this weekend and I think I need to watch it again!

The baby is coming on the 31st - so I have some more projects I want to get done before then. Maybe I'll have some pictures up soon. I got some fabric to make a diaper bag! I'm so motivated - well sort of. I feel motivated for 4 hours in the morning before I just want to take a nap.....

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Not my project...

But I helped! Nick's sister, Cat, was here for several weeks around Thanksgiving and she wanted me to help her make some pillows. She is way more ambitious than I am, she says it's her lack of sewing experience, but we were able to put together some cute pillows for her brown couches. The cord on the edges of the orange pillows were the toughest thing - but now I'm not afraid of it any more! I might even use some piping on the next bag I make - woah! Watch out! As a side note - it was really fun to hang out with her so much. We've never had the opportunity to spend so much time together and she is definitely a keeper!

Here are the creations - a good joint effort. These are corduroy with a super soft baby blue tiny corduroy on the back.

Canvas front, wide wale corduroy back, elegant cording on the edge.