Monday, September 29, 2008

baby boom, fabric stash, an icky pest, etc.

We've had a baby boom at church lately, 2 babies born in the last couple of weeks and one due in the next 2 weeks. I spent the morning embellishing some cloth diaper burp cloths.

I don't need to tell you how to do these, it's pretty self-explanatory. I will give this suggestion: Buy some fusible hem tape and iron the ribbon on the diapers before hand. It makes the top-stiching much easier. If you have more time, Penny has a great tutorial on really making these nice.

I forgot to post pictures of this fabric when it came a couple of weeks ago. They all have plans. L-R: Brigette's bag (if she likes it) - Amy Butler's Daisy Chain, Jenny's bag - Alexander Henry/Michael Miller, and a twirly skirt for Alison - Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market.

Amy Butler's new Daisy Chain is a lot of fun. I bought a piece for me too - I forgot to include it in the lineup - I think I may be making myself a fall bag. I need to get some lining. SO much fabric, so little time!!

Now, if you don't like gross, green tomato hornworms, DO NOT LOOK AT THIS PHOTO. I could barely contain my gag reflex when I first saw it. That spider from the last post was less gross to me than this ugly thing. But of course I had to take a picture. I have a sick fascination with bugs. I blame my Entomology class and the 3 day camping trip we took for the sole purpose of collecting bugs. I actually have a bug collection. I know, I'm a geek. This branch got snipped and thrown over the fence. I didn't kill it, the only thing worse than big plump bugs is their guts. Eeeew.

And last but not least, I'm feeling a little sheepish as I just found out I won another giveaway! I know, I KNOW! Maybe I should start playing the lottery.

My friend Vanessa, who I've mentioned before as being awesomely talented in every way - and funny to boot, made a gorgeous pendant out of a photo she's taken. Granted she didn't have as many entries as she should have, so my chances were high, but seriously!? The giveaway muses are smiling kindly on me because my husband, the Marine, is away for a month. And today was a day where my lovely 2 year old broke into tears about EVERYTHING. And I'm tired. I needed something good to happen today! THANKS VANESSA!

In addition to being an excellent photographer, Twilight series commentator, and hilarious, Vanessa makes amazing cupcakes! She's entered the Iron Cupcake Challenge and she needs your votes! So click on THIS LINK and go vote for Vanessa Contessa!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

my luck has not run out

This seriously is crazy. I just won another giveaway! Maybe these things just happen in 3s. And this one is from one of my favorite cooking blogs, Bakerella! It's a cookie book and I'm really excited to try out some of the recipes. So, lucky you, if you live near me. I will be needing taste testers!

Thanks, Bakerella! You made me smile today!

Robyn, seriously. We need to start a club.

***UPDATE: I just talked to my husband on the phone, and being the stats, economics, uber-logical thinker that he is figured out that the chances of this happening is like 1 in 2 million. WOW! Then he said next time I need to win something good - HELLO! all these things are awesome. He just doesn't understand the beauty of good soap, a way to keep your hair out of your face while washing, and fine cookie art. Well, he might understand the beauty of good cookies. I think he's just wishing Ed McMahon was knocking on our door. I just think he's funny.

Oh, and my friend Carla says it because I spend a LOT of time on the computer reading blogs.... she may have a point.***

a bag, some buttons, and a spider! oh my!

I finally finished another bag! I can't show the whole thing yet, because I don't want to ruin the surprise factor for my friend, Julianne, who ordered it. I really loved how it turned out. I made the strap about 4" shorter for her so she could wear it just as a shoulder bag. I'm trying to figure out what length I should do the bags to sell - messenger length (~36") or shoulder length (~34"). Any suggestions?

One of my friends asked me how I have time to sew, and really - it's all done in 10 minute intervals and it takes me weeks to finish something. It's a little frustrating, but that's the way my life is right now, and I've almost accepted it.

On that note, here's a 2-minute project that is just so, so cute. And they are nothing new, I've seen them all over the place. And now I know why. They couldn't be easier! Fabric covered button magnets.

And this is what my mother-in-law found at my house while she was tending my kids for a bit the other night. I felt REALLY bad, because, she really doesn't like spiders, AT ALL. She smashed it, so this is the little dead spider, she said it was a lot bigger alive. But still, pretty big.

I was going to say that it looks like my luck has run out, but then when I thought about it, I was lucky! I wasn't there when it was still alive and she even vacuumed it up for me. But not until after I snapped a shot. It really looks like a mini tarantula to me. ewwww.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

lucky me, again!

I won another giveaway - WHAT? 2 in one week!? I'm feeling VERY lucky. My heart leapt when I saw my name in the post as one of the winners. What did I win? Something the idea of I liked so much I was considering ordering one, or figuring out how to make one out of Amy Butler fabric. Check this out:

Maybe my friend Robyn's luck is wearing off on me.

I'm planning a giveaway of my own. I'm happy to pay it forward!

lucky me! lucky him!

I won!

Here is my box of treats from the giveaway I won at Lulufish! I'm especially excited to try the margarita salt scrub. The cocomango and ginger verbena soaps smell scrumptious too. Thanks Karen, for having such a lovely giveaway!

I finally put the crib together and got the bumper pads on for dear Andrew. He actually gets to sleep on a real mattress now, no more pack n play. Lucky him!

I think I should rename him Kilroy. And this other look is a questioning one, "Mom? Why is that quilt in here when you haven't finished sewing the binding on yet?" Darn, I didn't think he'd notice. It's on my project list for next weekend.

Monday, September 22, 2008

weekend projects

I finally got the labels finished for my bags, thanks to Penny's label tutorial! I wanted to get these done so I could finish the bag I'm working on. I will post pictures this week - I really like this one! I would keep it for myself if it wasn't already spoken for. But I think I say that every time....

What do you do when you have a prolific jalapeno plant but not enough tomatoes to make enough salsa to use the jalapenos? Jalapeno Pepper Jelly!!

Does that sound weird to you? My husband wouldn't even try it. I was introduced to it at a family gathering last summer where cream cheese in many forms was consumed. My favorite was a Ritz, cream cheese and a dollop of this sweet hot jelly! I know, it doesn't sound very sophisticated, but it sure tasted good!

I've also had it on a turkey pot roast sandwich and it was great that way too! This weekend I had it on a roast beef sandwich and it didn't disappoint.

Welcome Autumn! I've always wanted to leave a pie by the window to cool. So I did! I used some fresh Ginger Golds for our apple pie - delicious. Nothing fancy, super simple. And just as good for breakfast as it was for dessert the night before!

Friday, September 19, 2008

flowers for friday

My zinnia's were so big I needed to prune them so they wouldn't fall over and completely die. I thought they would be nice in a vase for you. So here you go! Happy Friday!

And to those of you wondering what I did with that ginormous squash (1/2 of it anyway)? Well what else do you do with the end of summer orphaned vegetables? Ratatouille!!

l-r: 1. cubed yellow squash, green pepper, orphaned eggplant, zucchini, carrots.
2. saute with vidalia onions, herbes de provence, salt and pepper.
3. add tomatoes, fresh or canned and simmer until your rice is done.

One other thing I can't believe I forgot to mention. I won Karen's (@ lulufish) giveaway!! I'm so excited!!! I'm anxiously awaiting my goodies and will post more dramatically on them when I get them! Thanks, Karen!! GO read her blog - she's funny! and inspiring!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

are you nice?

I just found another blog: Operation Nice It's such an inspiring place to visit. Lots of stories about people being just that, Nice! If you support this idea, you can get a nifty button for your blog like the new one I have over there on the left. Just click on it and it will take you to the site.

I thought I would share a little story about a random act of niceness of which I was the recipient.

It was the Christmas of 2004, my husband and I had gotten married the spring of that year and he had left for Iraq 3 months later. It was kind of a bummer (understatement) to be apart our first Christmas as married folk. I was doing some Christmas shopping and having lunch with a friend at a nearby outlet mall. We were driving around the parking looking for a parking space (did I mention it was Christmas time?). I came upon one that was right next to the sidewalk, but not anywhere near where I needed to be. A guy in a VW drove up from another side and I waved him in so he could have the spot.

Guy (waving at me): Hey, Thanks a lot!
Me (driving a VW too): No problem, we VW drivers have to look out for each other!

And on I went. I found a spot and went in to a little place to have lunch. When I came out to get in my car there was something on the windshield. I was worried it was a parking ticket. But when I took the paper off and looked at it, I saw is was a Starbuck's gift card with a note that said, "Thanks for the parking space. Merry Christmas!" Can you believe it!? How NICE was that guy? He must have walked around until he found my car just to put that card on it. He had no idea I was perpetually sad and missing my husband, but he really made my day.

I kept that card to remind me. I'd almost forgotten about that story until I happened upon this blog today. Do you have a NICE story? Let's hear it!

blog finds

I want to make THESE. (cute storage?! what a concept!)

And win these. (amy butler + baby + pj's = all my favorite things.)

From two new blogs I discovered today. If I would spend as much time creating as I do blogging/bloghopping maybe my project list wouldn't be so long.

At least I got the grocery shopping done and stowed away.

Monday, September 15, 2008

things that are making me smile today

1. My friend, Vanessa, of cupcake lore and fame, is doing her very first GIVEAWAY! She's seriously talented and you will love the little necklace she's made!

2. Alison calling to me in her sweet little 2 year old voice, "Momma, this is FUNNY!" while she watches Sesame Street.

3. This cover of Hallelujah. A great song, and you know you have a secret crush on him too! (especially since he cut his 80s hair!)

4. And this song, You Raise Me Up. It's one of the most covered songs in history. There's a reason why. I'll spare you my philosophical ramblings, but I think it appeals to people in so many ways. It can be about God, family, friends, loves, whoever you want. I chose this version because really, I didn't know Ireland had a 'boy band' and pardon those of you (click and scroll down to the concert pics) who love our boy bands, but I think the UK beats us every time they do something we do. (IE. soccer (becks), BBC Jane Austen movies, Actors - Christian Bale, Orlando Bloom, Colin Firth, etc.) I've become a brit-ophile, but that's a post for another day . . .

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

clarify, please

When your neighbor asks, a little hesitantly, if you want a yellow squash, be sure to see it before you say, "Yes!"

Monday, September 8, 2008

that's right!

I was at a wedding in California! It was the antithesis of the road trip I took with my kids. I went WITHOUT them. Woah! I kept thinking I'd forgotten something. I told my husband that on the phone while I was gone, and he said "yes, you did. And his name is Andrew."

That last top ten list was fun, so I thought I would do another one. This time:

The Top 10 Things I learned Going On a Trip Without My Kids

10. The preparation and anticipation of being away from the kids is MUCH worse than the actual being gone.

9. Getting up at 3 AM to catch an EARLY flight is worth it when you have a whole row to yourself.

8. Being gone is sufficient motivation for your 7 month old to start saying 'Momma'. But only in a complaining way. (It's still super-cute though!)

7. Not having to tell anyone what to do, or answer any repetitive questions for nearly 3 days is restful all on it's own.

6. Having GPS navigation in a rental car in an unfamiliar area is GENIUS.

5. Crocheting and reading are really fun when you aren't interrupted every ten seconds.

4. Being gone gives Daddy a great opportunity to bond with the kids without me overseeing every little thing.

3. Being gone gives Daddy a whole new appreciation for what my day-to-day is really like (he even said so himself - "They are really time-consuming!" and "These guys are a lot of work." As if I were sitting around all day doing nothing. Pshaw!)

2. I felt the need to let anyone know who would listen that I had two small children - I felt like a fraud running about without them. They are so much of who I am right now.

1. The three faces at home were the best thing to see after an exhausting, but fun, weekend away.

Congratulations and Best Wishes to my dear friend Carolee who was married on Saturday. She was radiant, he was beaming, all is right in the world. I am so happy for them, so happy they are so obviously in love and right for each other. Thanks for letting me be a part of such an incredible day!

Beautiful Bride

A Sparkling Send-off

The Giddy Couple

Great Friends
(p.s. yes that is my new haircut - but I wasn't really happy with it in the dry CA heat - it didn't work like it does here in humidity central.)

Airplane Activities

Friday, September 5, 2008

on the road again!

Can you guess where I am?

spreading the love (or another giveaway)

I love all the new friends I have made in my newfound blogging community! One such friend, Karen, of Lulufish makes me smile everyday. And she's having a giveaway! She makes homemade bath products and they sound delectable.

Go check her out - if you want to enter the giveaway, or just have a laugh, you won't be disappointed!

Thanks Karen, for brightening my day!