Wednesday, October 29, 2008

going bananas!

So I was at the commissary the other day. We were woefully short on bananas. As I approached the banana stand I was sad to see that all the bananas were Christmas green. You know the ones I am talking about, they don't even stand a chance of ripening well. Upon further inspection I saw 2 suspicious looking paper bags also on the stand. "Hmm", I thought, "what is that?" Then I saw they were full of bananas, of the yellow variety. And there were A LOT of them. I was surprised that some of them even still had a little green on the stem. AND, they were only $2.00 for the entire bag. "WHAT??!" The green ones were .54/lb. I sat there scratching my head for several minutes wondering if it was worth the savings to take home THAT many bananas.

Here are some of the things that went through my head as I contemplated bringing them home:

  • how many fruitflies are going to invade my house?
  • will they go bad before I have time to use them?
  • do I have enough freezer space to accommodate all of these?
  • how many smoothies can I possibly eat?
  • do I really like banana bread THAT much?
  • (and follow up) do I need to buy chocolate chips?
  • can I lift this bag?
  • do I have a pet monkey?
  • isn't there some sort of pie with bananas and nilla wafers?
  • does someone I know have a pet monkey?
  • is there a way to make fabric out of banana peels with which to make reusable shopping bags?
As you can see my bargain loving side won out. I wish I had weighed the bag when I got home. This picture was taken after several had already been eaten. I'm now pawning bananas off to my in-laws, neighbors, and 2 kids. And if you know me, and live close to me, I hope you like banana bread!

Unless you have another idea - anyone have any to-die for banana recipes? Have you ever seen anything like this?

Monday, October 27, 2008

two more bags and a shop opening

I feel like I'm getting back into my normal routine here after 2 fun-filled weeks with my mom in town. I have a few projects almost finished that I started while she was here. Namely my table and chairs and a duvet cover. I'm really excited with how they are turning out. Now if I would just take the time to get them finished!

Here are a couple of bags that I finished. I really love them both.

I haven't really thought of myself as an "orange" person, but I find myself drawn to it recently. And I really love the interior of the green bag.

Both of them are made from Amy Butler fabric, the Lotus Collection. Shocking, I know. I can't get enough of Amy Butler's fabric. Or really, anything that she designs!!

So, it's official. I have a shop on Etsy! Look over there on my sidebar and you can see the little pics of my bags. Click on them and it will take you right to them! There are more pictures of the interiors and some close-ups. You can also get more detailed information about size, etc. The picture below helps show the size a bit better. It really is a big bag. The strap is also long enough to wear messenger style, but not so long that you can't comfortably wear it on your shoulder.

I've been toying with the idea of an Etsy shop for a while and wasn't sure how much inventory was enough to open up. Well, I've decided to beat my perfectionist-self down and just open with these 2 bags and keep adding things as they get made. So much for the BIG grand opening! It's okay though. I've also realized that this is still more of a hobby than a career at this point. Selling my wares is really just a means of feeding the addiction. I feel like a druggie whose just started dealing.... is it that bad, really?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

a quick birthday gift

My father-in-law hurt his neck a few weeks ago and I had seen Amy's tutorial at Commonplace for a neck warmer and thought it would make a great birthday present for him. My mom helped me whip this up. It was easy and fast. We had to tweak the measurements a bit so we could use the fat quarter I had purchased. I didn't think he'd want a floral cover (which is all I have otherwise!).

I love that the cover is removable so that you can wash it. My mother-in-law had it within minutes of heating it up. He told me I was going to need to make her one too or he'd never get to use it!

Monday, October 20, 2008

twirly skirt

My friend Megan and I made twirly skirts for our daughters last week. We used the tutorial from house on hill road. I love this blog. I also love Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market line and have been dreaming of ways to use this. That pink on red kills me it's so cute. And as you can see it definitely meets the twirl factor requirements. Would it be bad if I made her new bedding out of the same fabric?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

the science of fabric love

I was ironing a stack of fabric the other day that had come out of the wash. Now that I have an iron that works, ironing isn't so bad. Plus it helps that I love looking at it, touching it, and dreaming up things I can do with it while I make it nice and neat. Most of the fabric has a project attached to it - but I found myself thinking of all sorts of other things I could do with it. That's when it came to me - the reason we love fabric and tend to collect it and like to just look at it.

Do you remember learning about potential energy? "It is called potential energy because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy . . ." (from Wikipedia). I remember the example of a ball at the top of a hill having a lot of potential energy. As it rolled down the hill it used up that energy until it came to a stop at the bottom, dead and lifeless.

When we have a nice piece of yardage it has all sorts of potential - quilts, bags, clothing, scarves, curtains, boxes, liners, etc, etc. And as soon as you take that first cut into it's energy begins to be released. Sewing it up in a frenzy we turn the ideas into something concrete, it's fate is sealed. I think this is why we collect it. It's full of ideas and dreams and I know for me, I'm always worried I won't like the finished product as much as I like just looking at the fabric itself. Fortunately, each completed project becomes my current favorite. But the difficulty is in the starting. Taking that first cut.

I was talking to a friend the other day, actually a couple of different people have expressed this same sentiment, that when they need a little pick me up they go spend some quality time with their stash.

Ahhh, the luxury of dreaming.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

whew! and some link love

Can you believe it's mid-October and I still have these lovely flowers in my garden? I hope they brighten your day as much as they do mine.

It's been a busy and productive few days. It's nice having my mom here to keep me company and to entertain Alison. She's gotten kind of bored with good ole mom! I painted my table - just working on the seats for the chairs now. I love it so far and can't wait to see how it all pulls together.

I finished the binding
on Andrew's quilt

and made a matching crib sheet!
Who knew you could do that? And it's pretty easy. I used this tuturial. Joanna does these tutorials for the Michael Miller blog, which I love. I just found it a few weeks ago. There's a good one for baby shoes, beach balls, and bean bags chairs too. Oops! that beach ball one is from The Purl Bee. Another great place for tutorials - also a new find.

My mom and I got to go her my friend Karen play Barber's violin concerto with the Richmond Symphony. It was amazing. I can't even begin to explain how cool it is to see her up there playing. I'm in awe. Here is a video of the 2nd movement - just to give you an idea.

We've also made some spooky pom-pom spiders (idea courtesy of Make and Takes.) They are now hanging in our doorways and lurking in unexpected places *like grandma's purse*! I have a crafter in the making. Alison loves cutting, gluing, playdoh-ing, etc. I better find a mini sewing machine. . .

We had this soup for dinner tonight. A totally EASY good soup - you throw stuff in a pot and simmer for 3 hours! It's a great recipe from the Smitten Kitchen - which is another blog that is new to me, I'm sure most people know about, but I've been a little slow around here. I am planning on trying this one - in honor of apple season and this one too. I have a problem with recipes. I love them. I read my Cook's Illustrated before bed. I love the possibility of good food.

One last thing, remember the dream my friend Allyn had? Well, here is her bag! It is so adorable, I think I need her to make me one. And check out her sidebar with pics of her latest projects - some adorable baby outfits. Did I mention how creative and amazing she is?! It was her birthday Saturday too - I'm sure she'd love some birthday comment love!

Oh yeah, don't get me started on the scarf I am crocheting - it is lovely, but I've had a hard time getting it right! Maybe I'll write about it when it is finished.

So we've been busy - luckily we've also managed to get a few naps in.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

some down time

My mom is here! YAY!! She got here late last night and today was post-travel recovery day. It's nice to have her here while my husband is out of town. Alison loves her Grandma Suzie and was on top of the world today having BOTH grandmas at dinner.

I'm working towards my Etsy shop opening (how many things do you really need to have to have a grand opening?), a giveaway, organizing my ever-growing fabric stash, a comforter cover, a crocheted scarf and the table above is about to have a makeover (it involves paint, Heather Bailey fabric and iron-on vinyl). It will be shock and awe, I tell ya.

I plan on posting more pictures of some projects we are going to be working on. My mom has a beautiful quilt that I need to photograph, and I have some other pics of things I am working on and a few things I've actually finished. But alas, as I am now "entertaining" I can't sit at the computer and blog all day, I actually made dinner and another pie tonight (Pear Apple Pie, to be exact). But don't worry, I'll be in touch.

P.S. remind me to tell you the discovery I made re: potential energy and fabric

P.P.S. what are you working on right now?

Monday, October 6, 2008

art dreams

My friend Megan, an artist and graphic designer (who now has 4 cute kids), told me she had a dream the other night about a painting she wants to do. She was so excited about it that she is ready to go buy a canvas and get back into it. I think that's so cool - have a dream about something and then be able to make it? Wow.

My friend Allyn, a creative genius and my sewing muse (who has 5 cute kids), had a dream about a bag she wanted to make. A night scene with a tree and an owl. "Huh" was my intial thought. I didn't really get it. AND THEN I SAW WHAT SHE MADE. Oh my! It was so amazing! It's not done yet and I can't even explain how amazing it turned out. When she finishes it, I'll be sure to link to it.

Since I've gotten back into sewing this year, I've decided that I missed my calling in life. I want to be an artist and fabric designer. Instead, I admire everyone elses art and make stuff with the beautiful fabrics that people are creating. AND THEN, I had my own art dream. The other night I dreamed that I got out the play-doh for my daughter. But it wasn't just any play-doh. IT WAS AMY BUTLER PLAY-DOH!!

Um, yeah. If that's only as arty as my dreams get, I think I know why I'm not an artist.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

my end of the swap and a bag

This is what I sent to Penny.

If you are interested in seeing the little parcels unwrapped you can see it here.

I almost forgot!! I sent Julianne her bag. I think she likes it as much as I do.

I had a nice weekend. I got some more fabric, visited with several friends, and finished the binding on Andrew's quilt. I will post pictures after I take some!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

a thought on the economy

My friend, Jen, posted this on her blog and I had to share it! I love SNL's commercials. Here's some advice that applies to all of us.

Anyone need some new jeans? Be sure you have the money first! Thanks, Carla, for sharing!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

today was a good day

The autumn weather was perfect - slightly cool, clear "I-can't-believe-it's-that-blue" blue skies, a nice stroll down historic Caroline Street in Fredericksburg with a good friend, burritos for lunch, daily chit and chat with Carla, washing a bunch of fabric and falling in love with it all over again, teaching a yoga class, and the MAIL. Oh yes, the MAIL!! Did you know when you win giveaways and make friends that you have reason to get more in the mail besides junk mail?

My book from Bakerella came today - it's gorgeous. SO gorgeous I am a little intimidated by the techniques and supplies required . . .

But Oh, the piece de resistance (pee-ess duh ray-zee-sance, with thick French accent) was my swap package from Penny at Sewtakeahike.

A little story: First off, Penny has been one of the super friendly, helpful, experienced, crafty bloggers that has answered a lot of my questions the last few months - and inspired me creatively. She commented on my Jalapeno Pepper Jelly post that she loved the stuff. I told her if she were my neighbor I would give her a jar, just for knowing what it is. Then I said - hey! I'll just send you a jar! A few emails later and we've set up a swap (her idea, so nice!). I got her super sweet package today and I am speechless. I knew I was in for a treat when my mail all smelled of lavendar. I hope the mail lady had a relaxing day with the free aromatherapy!

Look at how dressed up each little parcel arrived. Great use of the slevedege! And that little tag? Made of fabric! So cute!

Are you kidding me? There were more little packages wrapped in the bigger ones! It was like opening my stocking on Christmas morning! Clockwise from the top - darling apron, with a monogrammed A on the pocket, silk strawberry sachet - source of intoxicating lavendar, cute tag, satin eye mask, darling pink linen bag, and some cute handmade bias tape!

And these little lovelies were inside the little bag. YUM!!
I opened the apron last and was totally speechless. I mean really, it is so cute. Alison's take on the apron was, "It's dorable[sic], mommy! I want to wear it." So she's my model - I guess since her name starts with an A too, I'll have to let her wear it. But only sometimes. . . .

Thank you so much Penny for making a great day REALLY great! Since this was my first swap ever, I'm not sure I matched up with the challenge. I just mailed it off today, so I can't tell you what's in it. I will say that this swapping thing is totally fun!

I'm feeling pretty blessed lately. Thanks to everyone who makes me smile, I think we are
all blogging for a reason - to stay connected even though our lives are so busy. Your posts and comments and friendships brighten my day, every day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

bag wanderlust

My friend Karen said to me one day she was having bag wanderlust. You know how it is, you have a perfectly usable bag, but you just need a little something new. I knew she had a sewing machine, I knew she was talented, I figured I could help her make her own. So a fabric ordering session, 3 tete-a-tete's (or machine-a-machine) later, she has a wonderful new bag!

Sewing the lining to the exterior, turning it inside out, almost there. . .

Topstitching, the inside!

and the finished product!

Way to go Karen! Can I borrow it?

It was really fun helping her with this - although I realized I need to write down what I do when I make them. Because I made up the pattern I just do it in my head, but it was hard to translate that to someone else. . . thanks for being patient with me!