Friday, February 26, 2010

sew & tell - yes, more bags

I'm so sorry I don't have anything exciting and new to show you but more bags.  But I do think they are pretty!

I helped my friend finish her bag up yesterday.  Her day opened up and she couldn't wait to get it finished.  I don't blame her! It's so cute!  She did a really great job.

I love the color combo - I want to name it the raspberry limeade bag!  This is from Patty Young's new Flora and Fauna line.  I love a good border print.  I also took a couple pics of her wearing it so you can get an idea of how big it is, and that it can be worn messenger-style. 

The next two were finished up last Saturday morning.  I was on a roll with my assembly line finish from last Friday and wanted to get them done.

This one is for Vanessa (from when we went shopping together).
I love this Nicey Jane fabric (Heather Bailey).  I can't believe how nice the drape is!  Definitely garment worthy.  I want to make some skirts and dresses now.
The last one is for my neighbor - she's gifting it to a friend who is having a baby in March. 
Erin McMorris, Park Slope.  This is a really fun mod print!  I love the green and hot pink with the navy and turquoise. I've had this for a while and wasn't sure who I was going to make it for.  I'm glad Ellen picked it!
This interior print is one of my favorites!  I have it in orange too.  It reminds my of another favorite circular floral, Henna Garden from Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market.

So there you go.  I do have some more bags I want to make, including a new one for myself.  But I'll spare you from looking at more bags for a few weeks.  I do have some UFO's to work on....

What have you finished this week?
I will leave the linky up until tomorrow morning. Can't wait to see what you have been working on!

(Following the guidelines for linking will ensure a good time for all! I have had to delete posts in the past, don't make me do it, please!)

1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week. (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in. (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

some embroidery (and just a bit of complaining)

So I've been trying to decide what to share with you all the last couple of days.  I've been a little sidetracked from blogging.  I have been helping a friend make a bag.  And she's been very clever.  I love working with other people on the same projects I do and see their twist on my design.  Here's what I'm talking about:

She's says to me, "it would be cute to embroider around the flowers".  I say, "Why, yes it would.  And maybe a few beads in there too!" and just look at what she did!

Now I'm a little jealous I'm not making this bag for myself.  Full reveal to come soon.  We've got to make some more time for another lesson.

I really love helping people learn to sew.  I mean really, what better way to make your home more beautiful, your accessories more personal, and have a creative outlet you can do in your free time (when not taking care of life's other demands)?

I'm excited to be participating in this (click on the button for more info):

Over-used Recipes Swap
Tiffany emailed me and asked if I would contribute a recipe.  Of course, I picked the least photogenic food to share: meatloaf.  But what it lacks in good looks it makes up for in flavor.  I'll be sure to let you know when I'm up next week!

I really think I'm entering the cranky, ornery, crying stage of pregnancy.  I watched this movie the other night and cried for Mr. Thornton (here's a clip - don't worry, it's not a spoiler).  I've been spending a lot of time on the hamster wheel that is laundry, food prep and kitchen clean-up, it's getting old.  And I'm feeling stressed by not knowing EXACTLY where we'll be moving in a few months.  And yet, every time I finish a small sewing project, or feel an elbow sticking out of my side or hear my daughter say something funny and my baby boy give me a big kiss, I think it's not all bad.

I've felt a little distracted from the blogging community lately.  Much due to the aforementioned time consuming tasks. I hope you will forgive less frequent comments and visits, but know that I appreciate everyone of you and your enthusiasm and creativity which is infectious!

I did finish those other two bags this weekend and have Penny's bee block to finish this week.  Maybe I'll have a lot to share on Friday!  I also need some help deciding what to do for my baby's quilt.... Care for any suggestions?  I have a stack of Amy Butler Love fat quarters.  I would love your input on simple quick designs I could use....

And is it just me, or does Flickr run slow on Firefox?

Friday, February 19, 2010

sew & tell - assembly line production

Please make sure you read the guidelines before linking up at the end of the post!

I have definitely decided that assembly line production is the best way to work if you are making more than one of the same thing.  I have been working on 3 bags for a couple weeks.  I think the cutting and prepping the interfacing takes the longest.  After chain-piecing my quilt blocks last week, I decided I would do that as I stitched together these bags.
3 straps ready to go, and three innards ready to be sewn up!
So I did all the sewing up the point where I couldn't do anything next until the ironing.  Then I spent some time ironing and then the next step, etc. etc.   I had to slow down and change thread for each bag when it came time to do some topstitching, but all in all, it seems to go a lot quicker.  Plus, it makes it easier to sit down and work for shorter amounts of time and not be constantly getting up and down all the time.  And I don't have to worry about my iron cooling off (with it's auto shut-off feature) because I'm using it the whole time it's plugged in.

I'll admit, I rushed this morning to get one finished to post today.  But I'm going to finish the other two assembly style.

I used a little brown and turquoise polka dot ribbon for the key hook leash and topstitched in a dark turquoise.  This is Laura Gunn's Lantern Bloom line.  I think I linked to her new Poppy line last week.  This fabric is amazing!  And so photogenic.

I love the way it turned out!  This is for one of my dearest friends who is having another baby this month.  She is one of 20 or so people that I know who are having babies!  It's insane. 2010, the year of the Baby.

What did you finish this week?
(Following the guidelines for linking will ensure a good time for all! I have had to delete posts in the past, don't make me do it, please!)
1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week.  (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in.  (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!

PS - The linky will close at midnight Pacific time - hurry and get your finishes in!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

and the pillow winner is. . .

Thanks everyone who entered!  I really enjoyed reading all of the interesting things about you.  There were some good ones!

~ Cee ~ said... 67 I just love the Blissliving Home Mallory Turquoise 12" x 12" Pillow that you've highlighted. Hmm. Something interesting about myself ... I'm currently learning how to install hardwood flooring, as well as hang drywall and kitchen cabinets (we had some major flood damage). Thank you for this great giveaway!

Congratulations Cee!  I'll be emailing you shortly!

So do you want to know something interesting about me?  I was on a local gameshow when I was in 4th grade called "It's Elementary".  I got to shoot misspelled words, Star Trek style.  We even got beamed in and out of the game.  It was awesome!  And I still remember what I was wearing - some yellow corduroy overalls that my mom had made me.  See, the sewing is in my genes.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

labeling, good or bad?

When labeling people, probably bad.  Unless the label is AWESOME!  What about projects?  Do you label yours?

I didn't start labeling things until I started selling them.  And now I like to put labels on everything I make.  But I don't like them to be totally obvious.  So on my bags, I used Penny's tutorial to make the labels and then I attach them on the inside pocket.  I never get a good picture once they've been sewn up, so I thought I'd show you these on some WIPs.
Someone told me A friend's facebook status said the other day it was important to put seed out for the birds.  With all this snow covering the ground, it's harder for them to find the food they need.  So I threw some of my seed out on the back deck yesterday (I can't get to my feeder) and I successfully lured some birds out there.

The cardinals are a little elusive and don't like seeing me behind the window, but I caught this one in the tree.  I'm in love.

Not a bad view from my sewing table.
You'll have to excuse the blog - I'm in the middle of making a few layout changes, but I'm stuck on something.  I'll have it fixed soon.  I hope!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

decorative pillow giveaway!

As if there were another use for lots of pillows besides decorative?  Sorry for the unimaginative post title!  But as you know, I've had pillows on the brain lately!

I was so excited to be contacted by CSN stores to do a giveaway!  You see, I LOVE giveaways.  And I've been very lucky the last year or so, winning a lot of cool things fabric.  I'm really happy to have the opportunity to give something back!  I hope to do more of these in the future, to repay some of the goodness from which I've benefited.

CSN stores is a conglomerate of many product specific web stores.  They sell everything from bar stools to jewelry boxes to bunk beds (which I need!).  Cookware (Le Creuset, which I love!) and bedding too!  You can see a list of all of their stores HERE.

I was looking through the bedding section, because I like bedding (not that I need any....) and found this:

and this:
and this: (a king duvet cover + 2 shams for $49??!)

And don't forget decorative pillows!
How about this lovely number in turquoise (my favorite color)?

or pink + bird silhouettes?  Love.
 Or what about a little more modern piece in my favorite green? dark or milk chocolate? or orange?

the shipping date on this pillow is a couple weeks out though, but it was too cute!

So today - CSN stores is offering one of my lovely readers the choice of one of the three pillows above!  (And on the 3rd one you can choose which color you want.)

Giveaway will close Thursday morning 8 AM EST/EDT (whichever one is correct!) and I will announce the winner later that day.

You have several ways to earn entries.
1. Leave me a comment, tell me something interesting about yourself.
2. Blog/Facebook/Twitter about this giveaway, linking back here and leave a SEPARATE comment (for each mention) telling me you did so.

Easy enough?  So you can have up to 4 entries (one comment per entry will make me and you happy people!) Don't forget to leave me contact info if your email isn't already linked to your profile (here's instructions and reasoning why you should link up your email.)
Open to U.S. and Canadian residents.

Good Luck!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

sew & tell - more quilting bee blocks and some curved piecing

I'm embarrassed to admit that these blocks are from November, I think (so maybe it was October, I'm not telling).  They are for Allyn, and I took advantage of our friendship in real life, because I knew she'd forgive me for taking so long.  I have to admit, I was totally intimidated!  Which is part of why I kept putting it off. (Procrastinate much?)  But once I got going, things went pretty smoothly.

She sent out all the little pieces already cut out, with a link to these instructions for a Grandmother's Fan block, all we had to do was sew them together.

Sewing the little strips wasn't too bad, especially since I decided to try out some chain-stitching (or is it chain piecing?).  But working those curved seams required lots of pins and some stretching and giving.

I chain-stitched while I pieced all four of these blocks.  I'd had people suggest it to me before, but I didn't realize just how handy it was.  It saves time and thread since you just feed the next section to be sewn right after you finish one, without having to clip a thread!
Plus, working assembly line style keeps the work flow more efficient.  These are all chained together.
And here is all of them completed!  This is going to be one amazing quilt.  I hope she shares it on Sew & Tell when she's finished!
Two more bits of exciting news:
1.  My mom's New York Beauty is bordered and almost ready to quilt!  She was totally motivated by all of your nice comments!  We all get to see it soon!
2.  I have a REALLY fun giveaway planned for Monday.  So please, check back in!  You won't want to miss it!

What have you been doing this week?  Did you have a lot of sewing time due to a few winter storms?  We did!
Show us what you've got!

What did you finish this week?
(Following the rules will ensure a good time for all! I have had to delete posts in the past, don't make me do it, please!)
1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week.  (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in.  (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!

Monday, February 8, 2010

other uses for your omnigrip 24" ruler

I have to get a few things off my chest first.  I had to do the glucose test today.  Gag.  AND get a rhogam shot in my butt.  Delightful.  This afternoon I had to take darling girl to get her 2 flu shots.  Lots of tears.  About 2 hours later, we got to go to the ER after she cut her eye open on the dresser.  It's been a long day.  I meant to blog this earlier, but that didn't happen.

On the brighter side, I ordered a kit to make this quilt from Amy!  It's so cute!

And in case you were wondering what else your quilting ruler is good for...

This weekend we used it to measure the snowfall.

And to make sure the cinnamon roll dough was rolled out to the right size.

We got so much snow again over the weekend.  My poor blue table...

although she does look quite pretty with the contrasting white

And I don't know who has more fun out there, him or them.  I do know I need to train them in the ways of watching their backs!

More snow tomorrow! Crazy.

Friday, February 5, 2010

sew & tell: more pillows?

Can you ever have TOO many pillows?  I don't think so! (my husband some people in my house may disagree with you.)  I think they are an awesome way to bring color or some signature to an otherwise boring space.  Which my whole piece of garbage rental happens to be.

I finally made these pillows for my bed this week!
I. LOVE. them.  More than I thought I would.  I wish you could see the scale of those flowers - they are huge!  The fabric is from Amy Butler's Nigella collection, as is my duvet.  These pillow forms are 26" down from IKEA. FOR TEN DOLLARS!!!  Seriously.  I'm going to be so sad when we aren't so close to an IKEA.  I might have to stock up before we move.   I actually think I need to make one more - these will kind of serve as the backdrop for the other pillows I'm going to make.  Yes, there will be more!

Oh, but I almost forgot.  Did you want to see the reverse?
I found some Nigella on clearance last year and wanted to buy some more to match my duvet.  I didn't want to be all matchy-matchy, but it was a little hard to decide without actually seeing the fabric in person.  So, I went to Amy Butler's site to look at what she did with the fabrics.  She paired these two together and although I wasn't drawn to it initially, in person and finished and on my bed - awesome.  I have some of these too - to complete the 'pillow montage'. 
I'm so happy to have these finished!  Makes me want to get the other pillows/shams finished too!  Soon.  I promise.  I don't want to move without these finished.

Thanks everyone for your link-ups each week.  Things are so busy lately that I feel bad I haven't been able to reply to every comment and post.  Bear with me!  I am checking in on your posts and you guys are amazing! And productive!  And you're welcome to all of you who thank me each week for doing this.  I wish I could say it's purely selfless, but it keeps me going too!  so THANK YOU! Really, I mean it.

What did you finish this week?
(Following the rules will ensure a good time for all!)
1. Link to your specific post (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in.  (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

things catching my eye

I've just seen a few things lately that I wanted to share with you!

Happy Zombie's BOM quilt (with a link to the site where they are starting a new quilt for this year! Yay for snowmen!).

Vicki and I are on the same page with this.  But she wrote a post and referenced Amy's post, so I don't have to!  Please - I love to email you back when you leave a comment - consider changing your email settings in your blogger profile.   :)

Have you seen Laura Gunn's new collection, Poppy?  Oh. My. Word.  I want that bedding.

And on a more serious note, we have no idea what it's really like after the earthquake in Haiti.  Get your Kleenex out before you read this.  It was written by a young woman traveling with the humanitarian group with whom my dear sister-in-law went.  We have so much to be grateful for.  So so much.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


nothing like a lot of this:

keeping you snowbound, to feel extra productive!  We've been getting a lot of snow this year.  It's nice when I don't feel like I have to go anywhere!  I put dinner in the crockpot and had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted!

So I got a little cutting done:
a long lost project finished up (this had been languishing in my UFO pile for years):
Really, why do I wait so long, it took me less than 30 minutes to iron this up again and stitch up.  I forget how tricky rayon is to work with, though.

and this little guy turned 2 on Sunday!
That cake was delicious! Duncan Hines Lemon (made with milk instead of water), lemon curd filling, homemade cream cheese icing. Mmmmmm.

At the moment he's really into trucks, Elmo, Veggie Tales, cake, smarties, and well, food in general.  He's also talking up a storm, having an opinion, and has learned to crawl out of his crib.  Uh oh!   He's such a happy guy, he's always excited to start the day. Makes it easier for me to want to get up too!  He is our sweet little guy and a true snuggle bug.  We are so lucky to have him in our family!
What do you do all day when you are forced to stay at home?

Monday, February 1, 2010

one more bloggy meet-up, last one!

I know, are you tired of me talking about all the blogging friends I met while I was in Utah?  I promise this will be the last vacation related post (well, maybe....)

I found Vanessa's awesome blog, V. and Co., sometime this past spring/summer while my husband was deployed.  I can't even remember how I stumbled upon it but I'm so glad I did!  She is funny, creative, crafty (just check out her tutorials), SO nice, etc. etc.  Her husband had been deployed the year earlier and she was a big support to me while mine was gone.  I was elated when she was able to work it out to come up and see me while I was in Utah.

She drove THREE AND A HALF HOURS (after having a 24 hour flu bug!!) to come see me.  See what I mean?? TOTALLY NICE.

We had tons of fun shopping, eating, chatting.  Did I say already how nice it is to meet my friends in person?  I'm telling you, this blogging community is awesome!

We met at Joann's, then ate at Cafe Rio - delish!  Then we went to a place called Tai Pan Trading.  It's like a warehouse full of home decor stuff.  I'd heard a lot about it but had never been.  I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything because I already had to ship some stuff home.... but I couldn't resist.  I bought 3 of these (the other 2 are different colors).
They are ceramic decorative balls.  I know!  What am I supposed to do with them?  V. suggested a hurricane or something to put them in, probably like this.  I'm trying to be hip.  We'll see how it goes.

We then went back to one of our favorite shops, The Material Girls.  I love that place.  She bought me some Nicey Jane!!  I KNOW!  I said she was totally nice.
Okay, so she bought it for me to make something for her.  But still!  I'm excited to work with this fun fabric!

And then, just because we were feeling dangerous we headed over to IKEA.  Man, I really love that place.  I like the idea of dreaming that my house will one day be so clean and organized.  Or something.

As we were saying good-bye, we realized we hadn't taken any pictures.  So here's a lame-o photoshopped self-portrait, with the flash too close in a dark warehouse store.  Captions added a la Vanessa.
I could go on and on about all the cool stuff on her blog.  But really just go check it out for yourself.  And a bonus? She's updating her Etsy shop today at 11:00 a.m. MST.  Awesome patterns and even some things made by her!

One thing I found out is that we share a common love for bright, fresh spring green.  It's her favorite.  It's my #2 (and goes so well with all the lt. blue, baby blue, turquoise of which I can't seem to get enough.)   So I had to snap this picture of this bench I saw on the porch of a new home for sale.

I thought about taking it, but I didn't know how I would get it home.  Plus, I didn't think larceny would look good on my record.  But it would look so great with my dresser.

Thanks again, Vanessa for making the trip up!  Next time I'm coming to the middle of nowhere to see you!

P.S. - Oh, one last shot.
I love their slogan.  I love their chocolates even more.  Especially the dark chocolate raspberry cremes.  Mmmmmmmmm.

P.P.S.  Woah sew & tell-ers!! 40 people this week!  Awesome - I'm working through them all!  Sorry I've been slow on the commenting! I do ♥ every last one of you!  Thanks for making each week so fun and motivating!!