Friday, January 15, 2010

sew & tell and a bloggy meetup

So I hope you weren't getting too excited about seeing that little bag finished for which I bought the supplies this week....  because, well, it's hard to squeeze in sewing time on vacation.  Maybe I can get it done for next week, but I also have a couple quilt blocks that I need to finish too.....

I wanted to show you something for Sew & Tell that my friend Nicole made for me.

Here we are!  It's interesting how you think your maternity clothes are cute until you see them in a photo.  I love that scarf - but not sure it's doing much besides keeping me warm!

But first a little background.

If you read my guest post at Natalia's yesterday, you may have seen a mention to my friend Allyn, with whom I credit for bringing me back into the world of sewing.  When my daughter was born, it was her doctor husband who saved my life by getting me to the ER when my BP got so high (and then slowly tried to kill me a couple of weeks ago by giving me a double decker Five Guys burger with grilled onions and jalepenos, but that's another story).

Allyn has 5 sisters (lucky!)!  Her sister Nicole and I have gotten to be bloggy friends over the last year or so, commenting and emailing and for me, admiring her work (I'm secretly lobbying for the title of sister #7).   She lives in Utah, where I am currently visiting my mom.  So we decided to meet up and do what?  Go fabric shopping!

I LOVE Nadine's shop - Material Girls Quilts.  I blogged about them last year when I went for the first time.  I love meeting my "imaginary" friends!  We had a great time gabbing, looking at fabric, eating lunch and hanging out.

So back to sew & tell....
Nicole makes car seat blankets.  I was looking forward to ordering one from her and then she showed up with one she wanted to give me!! How sweet is that!?  Kindred spirits for sure. And the one she gave me is made from Amy Butler.  Awwwww.

She's designed hers to have elastic around the head part of the seat so your blanket won't drag on the ground.  Smart girl.

And it's reversible!

and I love this detail on the handle straps.

She linked up last week with her amazing wedding ring quilt she made, so go see it if you missed it!  SO beautiful and inspiring.

Oh, and be prepared to laugh when you read her blog.  I'm just sayin'.

What do you have to share today?  Here's the guidelines:
1. Link to your specific post (email me if you have questions about that.)
2. Please mention us here and link back to this post so everyone can join in.  (You can mention Sew & Tell in your post and have the button on your sidebar or blog, that works too. )
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!

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