Wednesday, January 6, 2010

happenstance (alternate title: hooray for blogging friends!)

I've said many times how I've so enjoyed meeting my 'imaginary' friends here in the blogging community.  You are all my outlet to a social world while a slave to housework and nap schedules.  I have a slight addiction to people and friends!  I love meeting them, talking to them, getting to know them.  I think that's part of my blogging addiction!  You all are so interesting!

So here's a funny story for you. 

I'm in sunny San Diego right now.  The weather is amazing!  I used to live here, but I must have forgotten.

We went to the beach yesterday, it was awesome - but that's not the funny story.  I just wanted everyone to be sure they knew that San Diego was sunny and 75 on January 5th.

The first morning we were here we went to the little breakfast they have here at the hotel.  My husband had already left for work and I was helping the kids finish up their breakfast. 

I mentioned earlier about me liking to talk to and meet people right?  I can't help myself sometimes, I just start talking!  So there was this guy there - he had on Marine issue boots, but no camos.  I asked him if he was with the Marines and he asked me about my kids.  He told me he had two at home that were only 15 months apart.  I told him my husband was stationed at Quantico, he told me they lived one county over.  We were like, cool!  a fellow Virginian!  Then he left for work, and I went back to my room with the kids to get ready for the rest of the day.

When I opened up my laptop I had several emails from my blogging friend, Karen.  She lives not too far from me and we have been trying to get together for a while, but both of us having little ones and busy schedules, it just hasn't happened.  She's awesome though, and I feel like I've known her for a long time!  (See I really do love my 'imaginary' friends!)

This is what her first email said:
OK this is weird -

my husband is still out in California -

this morning in his hotel he meets a lady - i guess in the restaurant - who has two little ones with her - a little girl and a little boy - the woman is pregnant -

Then he finds out she is from Stafford, her husband is with the Marine Corps and works from Quantico - are you in CA?

2nd email:
are you in VA? or are you traveling?

3rd email:
I can't believe it!

That man you were talking to this morning at your hotel who was asking you about your kids IS MY HUSBAND!

What are the chances? I CANT BELIEVE IT!


So of course I called her immediately and we woahed, and oohed and ahhed about the likliehood of this happening.  She is one smart cookie for figuring it out - We are both still incredulous about the whole thing.  But isn't that SO cool!!! 

I'm really not making it up, I have proof:

and kindly ignore the tired, I just landed yesterday and it's 3 hours later to my body than it is here and I'm tired and pregnant look.

You can read her account here.  She's much funnier than I am.  But seriously, can you believe it!?  All I can say is that we are for sure getting together and I think we will be friends for life.  I can't think this was really just a coincidence.

So in case you were wondering what you are doing blogging and emailing people you've never met, you just have to know that there are real people on the other end who appreciate your friendship, in real life or virtually, and I'm one of those people!  Thanks everyone!!!

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