Sunday, January 3, 2010

it's over - whew!

Things that are over.

1. December.
We have an absolutely crazy month with 2 birthdays and all the holiday prep and celebrating. To be quite honest, by the time New Year's rolls around, I just want to go to bed early and sleep. My busy-ness has not afforded me the time to sew or blog as often as I would like.  Which also means I've been terrible about replying to comments and emails.  And for that matter, keeping up with everyone's blogs!  I'm hoping the slower pace of the new year will help remedy that.

2.  2009.
It's been an interesting year.  I've been reading everyone's year-end posts and I just don't think I have it in me to do a full on post.  But here are a few major things that happened this year.  My husband spent 4 months in Afghanistan this summer, I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child (a girl), I was able to brighten up my house with some color!, and I participated in my first virtual quilting bee!  I have 2 more blocks to catch up on, but I did complete these two little gems on Thursday (when I should have been cleaning and packing, more on that in a minute.)

For Amber:
Adorable wonky stars, with a Heather Ross VW bus in pink and brown.  Love this fabric.

see the cute bus there on the left?

For Amber - November
For Lolly:
A log cabin made out of her self-designed spoonflower pear print.

She asked for an appliqued pear on the block.  This was fun to do!

The quilting bee has been loads of fun, and I hope to continue on this next year!

3. A cross-country flight with 2 toddlers.
We left this morning to come to California with my husband for work.  We are going to be gone for 3 weeks and it should be a lot of fun!  The flight was good - my kids were good, and I even got to sleep and read!  I was stressing big time about flying with them, but having my husband along made all the difference. He and I haven't flown together in years.

I'm taking a side-trip to Utah as well, so I'm excited about all the fabric shop visiting and bloggy meet-ups.  So hopefully I won't be totally devoid of interesting sewing things to talk about!  But my response times for emails, probably won't get better until we get back.

I do have the dress I made for mini-me to share on Friday's Sew & Tell! Get ready to link up to gifts you kept secret over the holidays (older posts from this Christmas) are fine - and you can share new stuff too if you have it!

Hope everyone had a great holiday and is looking towards this fresh new year with optimism, hope and peace.  My goal for the year is to have more peace - during long flights, prepping for a move and a new baby, and the settling into a new home.  Not to mention the peace I am always looking to establish in my home and with my family.

New Year's kisses to the lot of ya!

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