Friday, March 5, 2010

a notion or two - penny's block

First off, thank you all SO much for your input on my bird quilt.  It seems you all were split 50/50 on what binding to do - so I'm mulling it over and will show you the reveal very soon! (I hope!)  It's not too late if you have an opinion and want to share!

I wanted to share another block I finished for my quilting bee this week.  Penny sent us a cool print of a bunch of houses and a circle quilt and asked us to use those as inspiration.  I thought about doing a free pieced house, but I'd been wanting to try some reverse or raw-edged applique.  I used Vickie's Sew, Mama, Sew tutorial.  I just applied my own shapes!

Here's a detail of the house. I did the half dome window first.  I wish I had done the other one first, because I would have cut panes in that one too.

 I have to say, I love the stripey sun.
I ended up with some empty space that needed something.  These were added last minute.  They might be my favorite part.  Who doesn't want a garden full of lollipop flowers?  I just cut some of the dots out of the polka dot fabric and sewed them down the center.

I've added a new tab at the top of my blog.  Can you see it?  (Actually, they are all fairly new and if you use blogger you can have them too!)  It says sew & tell.  And if you click on it, you get some guidelines and tips on joining if you are new - or a refresher if you need it!  Hope it helps!  Since this is new, it would be great if you would all read it this time around!

So what did you finish this week?
Please refer to the sew & tell page if you have any questions or wonder why your link may have been deleted.
1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week.
2. Please mention sew & tell in  your post and link back to this post (link or button) so everyone can join in.
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!

Ready? Set, Go!


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