Thursday, June 25, 2009

more from my mentor

aka, my mom.

So yes, we are suffering from Grandma Suzie withdrawl. My daughter has said on numerous occasions, "Grandma needs to come back to our house!" and we all agree!

Here are some the fun things she made during Sewing-fest 2009:

This shadow embroidery was a project she did with her quilt group. She pieced it and put it together one of the first nights we were here. I love how that embroidery on the back shades (hence the term shadow) the muslin. That and it's cute. I wish I would have hid it so she would have "accidentally" left it here.
If I remember correctly, this quilt pattern is called Yellow Brick Road. This was whipped up in an afternoon from 6 fat quarters and a bunch of strip piecing. It turned out very cute - it's a baby quilt size.
This is the same pattern only bigger and with brighter colors! I think it's adorable!

And look at all the cute kitties! This one is closer to a twin size and only used 12 fat quarters. Now that I've seen it done, I really need to make one myself.
mais, La piece de resistance. are you ready? This is a McCall's pattern (I think) It didn't look like much when I saw the drawing on the envelope, and I wasn't sure about the fabric choices, until I saw it!
yes! that whole thing is trimmed in bias tape. She worked it on there like she does it everyday! When I asked her to show me how you do it, it was another one of those moments, "things my mom thought she taught me....." you know the rest.

Speaking of which, did you know that store bought bias tape has one fold longer than the other? It's to use on the backside so you will catch the back when you are stitching on the top! You learn something new every day. And maybe now I won't hate working with bias tape!

She's amazing - now if I could just plug an external hard drive into her brain to download all the information that's in there....

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