Monday, June 1, 2009

weekend sewing and gardening

Do you ever get so many projects going on in your head that you can't keep organized the projects you are actually doing - not to mention fixing meals, keeping the toys picked up, the kitchen cleaned and children happy? Oh man, I've been feeling a little more than disheveled lately. It's gardening season and I have all these sewing projects I want to finish too. But I find that I really can only do one project a day - and I have to figure out how to squeeze that in the middle of being a mother and homemaker. Does anyone have the secret? In the meantime, until I get it all figured out, I guess I'll just continue on in my happy creative messes!

And really, aren't these just happy fabrics!? I keep checking my reader for Week 3s instructions for Dana's Quilt-along. I finally got the strips cut out last night. Can't wait to start putting them together!

A friend of mine asked me to help her make a bag for her oldest daughter who just had her first baby. I love the fabric they chose.

We spent a nice afternoon together chatting and sewing. And she made a beautiful bag! I love working with other people on projects. The way everyone sees things differently I get to do things I wouldn't have typically done myself.

You may have noticed that I'm drawn to bold patterns and bright colors - but I love this simple polka dot in a subdued turquoise and brown. So classic.

I have a bag problem. I really do want to keep every. single. one.

Lastly - the garden. I was really tired of looking at this when I came home.

It used to look even worse - with clover and NO plants. I'm looking forward to those hydrangeas, gladiolas, and dahlias blooming.

But I needed some instant color. So one trip to the nursery and I came home with this!

And now that sad little patch looks just a little bit brighter. And who knew plants went on clearance? I got petunias for 25 cents for a 6 pack! Nice! And only because they were OVERwatered. I've let them dry out a bit....

This is my favorite spot. I love the bright orange and pink zinnias!

I can't wait to see it all as it grows and fills in! It's making me happier already.

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