Thursday, August 7, 2008

MORE fabric?!

I have a serious problem. I love fabric. Especially of the Amy Butler variety. I just got my Hancock's of Paducah catalog, which started this whole thing in the first place.

Look at a sample of her new line, Daisy Chain. I got these images from Hancock's of Paducah web site. You can order some, just leave some for me!! I think I may buy the charm pack and make a little blanket - because really, I NEED more blankets! Or an excuse. Does anyone want a bag!? Please, someone! Give me a reason to buy this fabric. And LOTS of it!

I would be ordering some already - except I'm expecting a nice little package tomorrow filled with deliciousness! Yes, there is some Amy Butler on it's way. And some Sandi Henderson. Oh the JOY!!

This is why I can't get to sleep at night!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy...thanks for checking out my blog yesterday! I can see that we are both huge Amy Butler fans. I found out about her a couple years ago and honestly my life hasn't been the same...nor has my wallet! She's the best, isn't she?!
