Thursday, August 14, 2008

fabric shipment 2: the sequel

Here's the rest of the story. Or in other words, package #2 arrived today with the rest of my fabric for the quilt + 2 more bag combos! This order was from Hancock's of Paducah. They aren't as fast as, but they have an amazing selection and a great catalog where you can see all the collections side by side. As a side note, Hancock's of Paducah is not related to the national chain, Hancock Fabrics. And really, if you've seen their catalog and compared to the stock in a Hancock store - you would probably be able to figure that out. (That last bit was written by my inner fabric snob - of course without the brick and mortar chains we'd all be paying 8.95 on shipping for 1 zipper. . . )

2 more bags - I think I have a thing for pink and red. But I'm not sure I knew that until today....

On the left, selections from Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market (I love the red and pink one especially - it's gorgeous in person), on the right her Ginger Blossom line.


(another plug for mom to come visit me! I'm going to need your help. And I promise I won't slice your finger with the rotary cutter. I've gotten much better since then!)

1 comment:

  1. those are some beautiful fabrics you got there! I can't wait to see the finished quilt! Just make sure you have all your digits (and your mom too!) when you're finished!
