Wednesday, December 23, 2009

no-sew felt christmas tree skirt - tutorial

If you are anything like me, there may be some things you put off at Christmas.  For me, I can't even begin to count.  But I decided this year I REALLY wanted a tree skirt.  But I didn't do anything about it (notice the date....)

(here's my moments shot for you - see how the bottom foot and a half isn't really decorated... I have two small kids, need I say more?)
I was unexpectedly at Joann's last week and saw the red felt and though - hmmm, how could I do this?  It was a 72" wide bolt, so I decided to buy 2 yards so I would have a square.  I figured the least I could do would be wrap it haphazardly around the tree.

I've been mulling it over in my head all week what to do.  And once I figured out what I wanted to do and maybe how to do it, I was excited to get it done.  And there was no sewing involved - it's so easy!  But, the best part?  The felt cost me $10 and it took about 10 minutes to cut it up!

I figured I'd better get busy, since today is the last day to link up with Natalia's Homespun Holidays!

So while my husband was watching a football game I went to work.

72" square piece of flannel
Dissapearing ink pen/chalk
Can, bowl, plate, or something else circular

1. I took my felt and folded it in fourths.  I marked the center with a curve using my #10 can. This way I will have a bit of a hole for the skirt to wrap around the trunk - you can eyeball this to match you tree/stand.

2. Next, grab your disappearing ink pen or chalk (I used a sharpie so you can see it).  Tie your marker to a string.  Get the cute guy watching football on the couch to hold the string firmly in the corner (during a commercial) so you can trace an even curve from the bottom right corner to its kitty corner.
It should then look like this!

3. Next, take your circle template and trace a scallop design along the circle edge.  I probably could have made my scallops a little bigger, but I like it.

4. Then cut along your cutting lines: center circle (on left) and scalloped edge.

5. Finally, unfold your circle (isn't it cool?) and cut along one of the fold lines to the center.  I picked the least pretty edge, since this will be in the back.  I can put the sharpie side down and my prettiest scallops are in the front.

6. Lay it under your tree and see how it looks!

I think this would be cute with ric rac, pom poms, sequins, little trees and birds. . . oh, the possibilities!  I have plans to embellish mine with snowflakes.  I'm hoping it will look something like this (these are foam snowflakes from the dollar store):

Maybe next year.

If you make one - I'd love to see it!  You can add it to my Flickr tutorial group!

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