Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i heart spring!

The peonies.
and the berries.
Just to name a couple reasons. The peonies I cut from my in-laws yard. They are out of town and missed their bloom. I couldn't bear the thought of them blooming over there with no one around to admire them and take in their intoxicating smell. I've decided I will have peonies every spring!

We went to a local pick-ur-own berry farm today. This is what approximately 13 and half pounds of berries look like! In true kid fashion my crumbsnatchers came home with happy strawberry stained smiles and empty buckets. It's okay though - I picked more than enough and we had a great time! Jam making to follow. And probably some crepe and waffle eating too! Oh and maybe this all-in-one Strawberry Shortcake.

The lovely and talented Dana asked me if I would be interested in doing a little swap with her - a bag for some of her delicious handmade goatsmilk soap and sugar scrubs. I love handmade soaps and was flattered that she would like one of my bags!

I did a rescaling of the Paisley Garden Signature bag - this is the Paisley Garden Mini-Sig! It's basically cut in the same shape as the larger carry-the-kitchen-sink sized bag and hangs from the shoulder so you can hug it under your arm.

It has a cute little zipper pocket on the inside, (I used this tutorial from Sew, Mama, Sew.)

which features another surprise fabric! Oh how I love Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market. I told you that you would see it on here again! Remember my procrastination problem? I stalled on the zipper pocket - apprehensive to try it since it was my first one, but that tutorial made it a breeze!

I'm happy to report that it arrived at Dana's safely and she loves it! Whew!

Speaking of Dana, you have heard about this haven't you?

I'm getting ready to cut my fabric for week 2!

Are you still with me? Gee, you're nice! I've also been working on the sashing for my A Notion or Two quilt.
If it turns out like I'm envisioning it, I think I'm really going to like it!

Which reminds me, I've got to get this month's block finished! (or started, whatever....)

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