Monday, September 29, 2008

baby boom, fabric stash, an icky pest, etc.

We've had a baby boom at church lately, 2 babies born in the last couple of weeks and one due in the next 2 weeks. I spent the morning embellishing some cloth diaper burp cloths.

I don't need to tell you how to do these, it's pretty self-explanatory. I will give this suggestion: Buy some fusible hem tape and iron the ribbon on the diapers before hand. It makes the top-stiching much easier. If you have more time, Penny has a great tutorial on really making these nice.

I forgot to post pictures of this fabric when it came a couple of weeks ago. They all have plans. L-R: Brigette's bag (if she likes it) - Amy Butler's Daisy Chain, Jenny's bag - Alexander Henry/Michael Miller, and a twirly skirt for Alison - Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market.

Amy Butler's new Daisy Chain is a lot of fun. I bought a piece for me too - I forgot to include it in the lineup - I think I may be making myself a fall bag. I need to get some lining. SO much fabric, so little time!!

Now, if you don't like gross, green tomato hornworms, DO NOT LOOK AT THIS PHOTO. I could barely contain my gag reflex when I first saw it. That spider from the last post was less gross to me than this ugly thing. But of course I had to take a picture. I have a sick fascination with bugs. I blame my Entomology class and the 3 day camping trip we took for the sole purpose of collecting bugs. I actually have a bug collection. I know, I'm a geek. This branch got snipped and thrown over the fence. I didn't kill it, the only thing worse than big plump bugs is their guts. Eeeew.

And last but not least, I'm feeling a little sheepish as I just found out I won another giveaway! I know, I KNOW! Maybe I should start playing the lottery.

My friend Vanessa, who I've mentioned before as being awesomely talented in every way - and funny to boot, made a gorgeous pendant out of a photo she's taken. Granted she didn't have as many entries as she should have, so my chances were high, but seriously!? The giveaway muses are smiling kindly on me because my husband, the Marine, is away for a month. And today was a day where my lovely 2 year old broke into tears about EVERYTHING. And I'm tired. I needed something good to happen today! THANKS VANESSA!

In addition to being an excellent photographer, Twilight series commentator, and hilarious, Vanessa makes amazing cupcakes! She's entered the Iron Cupcake Challenge and she needs your votes! So click on THIS LINK and go vote for Vanessa Contessa!

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