Monday, September 22, 2008

weekend projects

I finally got the labels finished for my bags, thanks to Penny's label tutorial! I wanted to get these done so I could finish the bag I'm working on. I will post pictures this week - I really like this one! I would keep it for myself if it wasn't already spoken for. But I think I say that every time....

What do you do when you have a prolific jalapeno plant but not enough tomatoes to make enough salsa to use the jalapenos? Jalapeno Pepper Jelly!!

Does that sound weird to you? My husband wouldn't even try it. I was introduced to it at a family gathering last summer where cream cheese in many forms was consumed. My favorite was a Ritz, cream cheese and a dollop of this sweet hot jelly! I know, it doesn't sound very sophisticated, but it sure tasted good!

I've also had it on a turkey pot roast sandwich and it was great that way too! This weekend I had it on a roast beef sandwich and it didn't disappoint.

Welcome Autumn! I've always wanted to leave a pie by the window to cool. So I did! I used some fresh Ginger Golds for our apple pie - delicious. Nothing fancy, super simple. And just as good for breakfast as it was for dessert the night before!


  1. I hope you don't think I'm a dummy, but what are ginger golds?

  2. if you like pie, you'd love pushing daisies on abc, my absolute favorite show (besides men in trees, and yes, i'm still sulking that they yanked it off the air)...:)

  3. Ginger Golds are a Virginia apple. It's a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Pippin. and they are GOOD.

  4. Amy!! I love it! And Paisley Garden is so cool! I have tried that jalepeno pepper jelly too over cream cheese and it IS very good, me don't think u is weird!

  5. Where can I see said bag? That is so cool that you are starting a little business! Martha Stewart........LOOK OUT! (just don't go to jail like she did - hee hee) BTW, ever since I met you I've been addicted to Pink Lady (or Cripps Pink) apples and cheese! YUMMY!!!!! :)

  6. I need to check out that label maker. I love the pie sitting by the window...what a prairie girl at heart!
