Monday, September 15, 2008

things that are making me smile today

1. My friend, Vanessa, of cupcake lore and fame, is doing her very first GIVEAWAY! She's seriously talented and you will love the little necklace she's made!

2. Alison calling to me in her sweet little 2 year old voice, "Momma, this is FUNNY!" while she watches Sesame Street.

3. This cover of Hallelujah. A great song, and you know you have a secret crush on him too! (especially since he cut his 80s hair!)

4. And this song, You Raise Me Up. It's one of the most covered songs in history. There's a reason why. I'll spare you my philosophical ramblings, but I think it appeals to people in so many ways. It can be about God, family, friends, loves, whoever you want. I chose this version because really, I didn't know Ireland had a 'boy band' and pardon those of you (click and scroll down to the concert pics) who love our boy bands, but I think the UK beats us every time they do something we do. (IE. soccer (becks), BBC Jane Austen movies, Actors - Christian Bale, Orlando Bloom, Colin Firth, etc.) I've become a brit-ophile, but that's a post for another day . . .


  1. I always thought JBJ would look so good if he would just cut his hair and I am not disappointed.

    Have you heard Celtic Woman's version of You Raise Me Up? It is AWESOME!

    I'll have to check out that giveaway!

    And isn't it fun when your kids start to get little jokes and become little people. I think Tessa surprises me the most cause I still think of her as my baby and she is growing up so fast and she's so witty.

  2. I'm going to show my ignorance and say that I thought that was only a Josh Grobin song, having never heard it anywhere else.

    So why am I not on your list of inspirational websites? :)

  3. Okay--I just found this other blog of yours. I have Allison's loaded in google reader...this is where your thoughts are!!! yea!! I found you again. Love Josh's version too though.

  4. um...ok I like the UK and everything, but "beats us in anything we do first" i'm not able to agree with. I will hold a candle for the backstreet boys until the day i die....which you already know. :) and I'll just leave it at that for now! haha

  5. hi, Amy! How have you been? Aaron was just up, and therefore I am up. Actually, I'm just playing on the internet trying to plan our fun trip next month!
