Saturday, September 27, 2008

a bag, some buttons, and a spider! oh my!

I finally finished another bag! I can't show the whole thing yet, because I don't want to ruin the surprise factor for my friend, Julianne, who ordered it. I really loved how it turned out. I made the strap about 4" shorter for her so she could wear it just as a shoulder bag. I'm trying to figure out what length I should do the bags to sell - messenger length (~36") or shoulder length (~34"). Any suggestions?

One of my friends asked me how I have time to sew, and really - it's all done in 10 minute intervals and it takes me weeks to finish something. It's a little frustrating, but that's the way my life is right now, and I've almost accepted it.

On that note, here's a 2-minute project that is just so, so cute. And they are nothing new, I've seen them all over the place. And now I know why. They couldn't be easier! Fabric covered button magnets.

And this is what my mother-in-law found at my house while she was tending my kids for a bit the other night. I felt REALLY bad, because, she really doesn't like spiders, AT ALL. She smashed it, so this is the little dead spider, she said it was a lot bigger alive. But still, pretty big.

I was going to say that it looks like my luck has run out, but then when I thought about it, I was lucky! I wasn't there when it was still alive and she even vacuumed it up for me. But not until after I snapped a shot. It really looks like a mini tarantula to me. ewwww.

1 comment:

  1. If you believe your lucky you will be lucky! Part of it is how you look at situations!

    I love your bags and button magnets!
