Friday, September 19, 2008

flowers for friday

My zinnia's were so big I needed to prune them so they wouldn't fall over and completely die. I thought they would be nice in a vase for you. So here you go! Happy Friday!

And to those of you wondering what I did with that ginormous squash (1/2 of it anyway)? Well what else do you do with the end of summer orphaned vegetables? Ratatouille!!

l-r: 1. cubed yellow squash, green pepper, orphaned eggplant, zucchini, carrots.
2. saute with vidalia onions, herbes de provence, salt and pepper.
3. add tomatoes, fresh or canned and simmer until your rice is done.

One other thing I can't believe I forgot to mention. I won Karen's (@ lulufish) giveaway!! I'm so excited!!! I'm anxiously awaiting my goodies and will post more dramatically on them when I get them! Thanks, Karen!! GO read her blog - she's funny! and inspiring!


  1. Love the Flowers! Aaron won't eat Ratatouille. I used to make it all the time in France especially with Soeur Taylor. But if Aaron won't eat it my kids probably won't either!

  2. How did you know I needed flowers today?
    Have I mentioned you're the greatest?
    Ratatouille. It's not just a's what's for dinner!

  3. We get our CSA through our church, and this fall our church is having community meals for the neighborhood where they are using food from the CSA. The meal happened the other night and one of the "courses" was Ratatouille! Not your typical church potluck....there wasn't a casserole in sight!

  4. I love your flowers and that Ratatouille looks amazing.

  5. Hey Huey! I love reading your blog. It has kept me entertained more than a few times in the middle of the night these past 2 months. I like the sites you have to link to also. Very entertaining. I am for sure trying that awesome recipe. I have so much squash I am sick of looking at and I love eggplant!

    Hey just because I don't wear bright colors doesn't mean I don't like to craft. Come on, give me some credit! :)

  6. That looks delicious and the flowers are beautiful!
