Monday, March 12, 2012

a sewing table find (and the one in which I utilize a LOT of parentheses)

I'm too embarrassed at the moment to show you the state of my sewing space.  It's currently (and mostly always) a disaster.   We have this awesome sunroom in this house and I slowly took it over when we moved in putting in my treadmill (it's like running outside, right?), my oversized-open-shelved-eyesore of a computer desk (that turned into a makeshift sewing table), and my little blue table (that I typically use my serger on but really love to have it clear for taking photos).

The computer desk is my biggest nemesis (it's sort of like this one).  The lovely display at IKEA with matching boxes and crates and doodads for keeping that open shelving looking pretty is lost on my messy mind.  It needs to go. I bought a much smaller desk, made for just a computer (which is all I need) and moved my computer to the living room (which is considerably warmer in the winter).

Over Christmas break I spent a lot of time organizing my big cabinets that hold a lot of my sewing supplies.  Things that I haven't figured out where to put yet got shoved in the sunroom.  My dining room table is always cluttered with my machine and cutting supplies - which makes eating together as a family in the dining room difficult at best.

So I decided I needed an old fashioned sewing machine table.  Something small that I could move around the house if I wanted to sew somewhere else.  Something that I could put the machine flush with the table for easier movement of fabric while quilting.  Something that was small enough that it couldn't collect clutter, because the only thing that will fit on it IS THE MACHINE.

I was checking out our local yard sale web site and found an ad for a Danish Modern Pecan sewing table.  I emailed.  They replied. I called. I picked it up this morning.
It is in nice condition and I don't even plan on painting it (shocking I know!!)  I didn't even take my machine to see if it would fit.  I figured between me and my aspiring woodworker (aka mrlouwho) we could make it work.

When you flip open the top to extend the table, you see the little hinged parts which hold the machine it was built for (or at least one of the hinged flaps, the back one was gone).  And there isn't a shelf or anything underneath.  But, BUT! The opening is big enough for my machine!

My secret plan is to have aforementioned woodworker (or the guys at Home Depot) cut me a piece of plywood (or something) and attach a shelf with some L-brackets to the underside where my machine will sit.  Good plan, no?

Until then, with the extension flap folded up it fits my machine and acrylic table on the top perfectly.
And brotherlouwho and I tried it out today and made some more progress on his quilt.  Here's what we've gotten so far.  It's shaping up quite nicely!

Where do you use your sewing machine? Inquiring minds want to know!!

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