Monday, August 31, 2009

thanks! and an early finish.

Thanks everyone for participating in sew-n-tell!  It was great fun to see what you had all accomplished last week!  I think we had a pretty good response, so I'm setting up the challenge again for this Friday!  It totally helps motivate me to have a deadline to work towards!  Complete a project this week, post on Friday, link up with Mr. Linky, and then we can all pat each other on the back!

I already finished something this week. I was trying to get it done by last Friday, but it just didn't happen.  And it was a week late for the birthday girl anyway!  I don't know why I waited so long to make a bag with Daisy Chain.  Gimmee a break Amy! (Butler)  I LOVE IT!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Amy - Park City Girl and I had a little blog comment/email exhange earlier this week.  It went a little something like this:
amy: (in a blog post)  I haven't been on the sewing machine lately...I need to get some things done.
amy:  I need to get motivated too - let's have a sew-n-tell on Friday!
amy:  great!  I need some accountability.
amy:  me too!  I have some stuff cut out I need to get done.  okay - sew-n-tell Friday -  post by noon. 
----a day later ----
amy: what if we do a Mr. Linky thing too?

(I know, 2 amy's is confusing.  But I promise I wasn't talking to myself!!)

SO,  I got 3 bags cut out, and a curtain started, but because of some other things getting in the way, this pillow (which wasn't on my to-do list until I bought the fabric on Wednesday) was the only thing I got done.
I picked up the bolt as soon as I saw it.  Isn't it pretty!?  I'm in the process of giving all my pillows makeovers.  Right now they are too matchy-matchy.   I have a tutorial planned for next week on my super easy, no hand-sewing, anyone-can-make-this-in-less-than-an-hour pillow.  Really, anyone.

Do you have something you'd like to share for sew-n-tell today?  I realize this is what our blogs consist of all the time, but if you have something you completed this week - link up!  We'd love to come visit and see what you are up to.  (In case I'm not already blurking around your url...)  Maybe we can make this a more regular feature, to help keep us motivated in the finishing department!

Just sign up in the Mr. Linky box below and link back here in your post.  Just remember, please link to a specific post and not just your blog.

ie:  not  but  is great!  (this is called a permalink - I'm learning all sorts of useful things today!)

In short:
1. sign up in Mr. Linky with a permalink
2. share a post from THIS week of a COMPLETED project
3. link back to this post so everyone can join in!
4. enjoy getting motivated and inspired by what everyone else is doing!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Please update your bookmarks, readers, etc. to

I'm not sure how it all works, I think blogger may take care of it for you, but check just in case.
Just trying to clean things up around here - thanks everyone!

We'll be having sew-n-tell tomorrow.  Mr. Linky may even make a visit.  Possibly a new feature here... stay tuned!

flea market fancy

Hey, there's a new blog in town! This blog is for all those who love Denyse Schmidts Flea Market Fancy line. It has sadly been out of print for some time and I've read over the past year tons of people hoarding and searching and stockpiling their Flea Market Fancy scraps. I came a little late in the game and wasn't sure what all the fuss was about - then I saw it and it won me over!

Penny at Sewtakeahike is taking action! She's started the Flea Market Fancy Freaks blog. It's mostly a place where she can gather signatures to present to Free Spirit Fabrics requesting a reprint. She's written to them already and has a response! So go check it out!

And grab the button while you're at it (But don't grab it here, because I'm not sure I did it right....)

Just to show that this isn't totally hopeless, Amy Butler announced in her last newsletter that because of customer feedback they will keep printing the top 10 prints in her Lotus line! I can't tell you how happy this makes me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

a very cool opportunity

My sister-in-law told me about this awesome contest going on. She asked me to pass the word along to all my quilting friends. So ladies, here's your chance to have your work displayed at the Textile Museum here in D.C. There's also an actual cash prize!

Hurry! There's just under 3 weeks until the deadline!

The American Quilt 2009 - Enter your IDEA for a quilt square to win prizes and a chance to be displayed at The Textile Museum!!!

edtied to add: There are only 3 entries right now - I think we could show a tour de force from the "little" blogging quilting community!

Monday, August 24, 2009

fabric art

I don't really think it's a big secret that I love fabric (I mean, really, don't we all?!) I frequently dream of plastering my walls with it. (Which you can do with liquid starch - but, I haven't tried it yet.)

So instead, I finally bought some stretcher boards from IKEA ($5!!). I had bought enough of this green and white damask to try the wall/starch thing, but ended up doing something else with it (which I will show you later this week - if you are interested....) So I put the remnant on my frame and plan on hanging it in the bathroom. I have all sorts of things I want to do with these now - like maybe a faux headboard....

Last week I saw this great post on Jen's blog. I had plans to frame this fabric anyway. I truly fell in love with it after making this bag. I just hadn't researched getting a large frame, etc, etc. Basically, I was procrastinating. Jen was nice enough to give me some good tips on how to do this affaordably. So I went that night to Michael's, coupons in hand and came home with this frame and filled it up. .

Now I just need to hang it. I'll take some after pictures.

The nice thing is, I can swap these out any time I want to change the look a bit. And all it will cost is the price of the fabric! Don't we all love a good deal like that?

Let me know if you've got some fabric art hanging around your house - I'd love to see it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

weekend homework - check!

I'm really pleased that I have my august blocks for a Notion or Two completed a whole two weeks before the 31st! I may just beat this procrastination thing yet!

These string blocks are for Sarah, and these fabric choices are a classic example of her great eye for color. (seriously, click on all those links to see some of her amazing quilts!)

We were directed to this tutorial in case we hadn't done string blocks before, which I hadn't. And I think I'm hooked now. Sarah included the 6" paper pieces for us - she had used an old phone book! Genius! The paper was nice and thin. Instead of just throwing it in the recycling I now know what to do with the phone book that was just delivered the other day.

My only annoyance were a couple teensy tiny corners that won't lay flat. And now upon further inspection will probably just be swallowed up in the seam allowance. Oh well. I love them though, and love the fun colors!

This block was made for Amy - Park City Girl. She sent us some gorgeous girly florals and some adorable hand embroidered squares that she had designed herself. She's a super creative soul - have you seen what else she has been up to?

I decided I wanted to put the embroidery into the center of a star and remembered all of those cool wonky stars that were out there last fall. I used this great tutorial and whipped it up in no time - because the tutorial was easy to follow, not because of me. It didn't turn out as wonky as I would have liked, but I still like it.

Now to get them in the mail before the 31st!

Friday, August 14, 2009

one quilt block

I know, the other day I said I wanted to have 2 quilt blocks done for my quilting bee, a Notion or Two. Well, I've been battling house flies among other things and haven't gotten to the other one. And then I got another packet of fabric. So I still have 2 homework assignments over the weekend - at least it's fun homework!

Here is my quilt block for Tara. for July (quickly hides calendar). She asked for appliqued dresses. It was a daunting task as we had this for inspiration - just a little intimidating. Which is probably why I only finished this week.

I can't remember what fabrics they are. They were Moda precuts - I think it might be Aviary. I loved the little blue print so I snuck on this little flower. I used the idea from this tutorial at V. and Co. - but on a much smaller scale. It was super easy!

I can't wait to see how her whole quilt turns out!

Speaking of V. and Co., you should check out the giveaway over there sponsored by csn mattresses for a chance to win the most gorgeous pillow! And if you're not interested in winning a pillow, well you should just go check out her funny, creative, pretty blog.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

fabric love

I feel like there are so many things I want to tell you about, but don't know where to start. Then again, pictures of fabric always seem appropriate!

I love this from Erin McMorris' Park Slope. I'm envisioning a bag. But that could change. I haven't cut into it yet! Remember my theory on potential energy?

I think I have thing for circular floral designs. Here is Henna from Sandi Henderson's Farmer's Market and Erin McMorris again. Not sure what I'm going to do with these. . . . . . . . Or am I? (evil laugh)

Another thing that I've got going on in my head is quilts. Quilts I need to finish (2!), quilts I want to make (1,000,000!), quilts I'm afraid to try (1,000,000), quilts I have enough fabric for (probably 10 or more). My husband and I went on a date (gasp! did I mention he's home? probably...yeah, I'm pretty sure I did.) last weekend. We went out to dinner and then hung out at the bookstore! Something we used to do a lot more of. I ended up coming home with this book, remembering a recommendation by Amber (One Shabby Chick).

This is officially my first quilt book. I love the title - I think we can all relate! And I love the story of the two shop owners, who blog here. They have patterns ranging from easy to difficult. And one of my favorites happens to be in the easy section - so it's on the list. I just have to finish my other two before I start any more.... ugh, the agony of waiting. Does anybody else wait to start new projects before old ones are finished? I'm trying to put an end to my procrastination! Unfortunately, the fear of messing up or not knowing exactly what to do next gets in the way.

Speaking of procrastinating - I have 2 quilt blocks for A Notion or Two that I drafted up Sunday. I want to finish them by the end of the week....

Please, tell me I'm not the only one with a to-do and want-to-do list a mile long! What's on your list?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

good things happen in threes

Have you ever heard that things happen in threes? It seems to be true in many cases, whether real or contrived - finding something else to complete the set...

This week, Wednesday specifically, I had 3 good things happen!
1. I won this awesome pincushion from Julie at Jaybird. She designs things for the Moda Bakeshop (get over there now if you haven't already!). This particular pincushion is made with Tula Pink's new Hushabye line that I was drooling over recently.

The pincushion is ENORMOUS! and I love it. So does my little 'helper'. I keep finding the pincushion with her toys though. I'm thinking I need to make some bean bags!

2. I got a tip on some half-price Sandi Henderson from the Fabric Shack and the order came in the mail the same day as the pincushion! They sent me a free package of machine quilting needles and a handy quilting chart reference card! They won me over!

3. My husband came home! Yes, Wednesday was a GOOD day!

Now that I don't have him to wait for anymore, I'm missing a little drama. So now I'm just waiting for these guys to ripen.

and these.

If I could just get my kids to not pick them until they are RED.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a little black and white number

This little number was for a cute 20-something just recently graduated from college.

She's pretty, flirty and sassy. Oh yes - the recipient is too.

A little contrast stitching goes a long way.

She looks so good, she wouldn't stop posing for me!

Michael Miller inside and out. Zesty Zinnias in black and white.

in more important news:
Today is the day! We are already back from the airport, the kids are elated (as am I!) and we are looking forward to life back to normal! Thanks for all the support you all have offered the last several months. This has been a nice place to relax when I needed a break!

Monday, August 3, 2009

emmaline apron

I think that the old barter system is a great way to do things - I don't mean talking someone down on their price - I mean a good old swap of goods and/or services! (by the way, isn't wikipedia awesome!? I recently had a great history lesson on Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I, not to mention Henry VIII.)

Meet Rheannan. She just graduated from cosmetology school. (Congrats!) Isn't she cute?

She lives in Arizona, but when she comes home to visit family, she's graciously cut and enhanced my blonde for me.

She didn't want to charge me since she hadn't graduated yet, but she loved my Emmaline Apron pattern and these Ginger Blossom fabrics. (my pictures aren't as good as the ones on the link -sorry, I was in a hurry, and it was getting dark!)

So I paid her in aprons. I hope she likes it (as much as I like my new 'do)!

(I may have gotten carried away with the parenthetical remarks.) (On a completely unrelated note, I reccomend the HBO Elizabeth I over the BBC version. They were actually both very good, with lots of British eye candy.)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

lessons learned

My husband comes home from Afghanistan is just a few short days! YAY! I've learned a few things during his little trip away.

1. Winning things makes me happy!! (thanks Fabricworm! Now I can make a tree skirt or stockings!)

2. Buying fabric makes me happy! (IKEA finds. The green will be made into pillows and the tan will back my Notion or Two quilt!) (there's probably more new fabric to be shown, I've had a lot of fabric therapy....)

3. Sewing projects keep me busy so it's almost like I don't know he's gone. (not really, I'm totally in denial with this one.)

Wonderland by Momo - side A

4. Staying busy going, going, going keeps me from getting too lonely, BUT the aftermath (tired kids, messes everywhere, lack of sleep) is definitely catching up to me.

side B

5. Staying up too late blogging and facebooking makes me feel a little too attached to my internet connection. Then I start worrying that I might miss something if I'm NOT up late blogging and facebooking. And maybe I inadvertantly sign up on twitter as paisleygarden, even though I barely have a clue how that all works.

love this interior fabric - such a sweet little print!

5. That absence really does make the heart grow fonder. I'm one lucky girl.