Sunday, August 9, 2009

good things happen in threes

Have you ever heard that things happen in threes? It seems to be true in many cases, whether real or contrived - finding something else to complete the set...

This week, Wednesday specifically, I had 3 good things happen!
1. I won this awesome pincushion from Julie at Jaybird. She designs things for the Moda Bakeshop (get over there now if you haven't already!). This particular pincushion is made with Tula Pink's new Hushabye line that I was drooling over recently.

The pincushion is ENORMOUS! and I love it. So does my little 'helper'. I keep finding the pincushion with her toys though. I'm thinking I need to make some bean bags!

2. I got a tip on some half-price Sandi Henderson from the Fabric Shack and the order came in the mail the same day as the pincushion! They sent me a free package of machine quilting needles and a handy quilting chart reference card! They won me over!

3. My husband came home! Yes, Wednesday was a GOOD day!

Now that I don't have him to wait for anymore, I'm missing a little drama. So now I'm just waiting for these guys to ripen.

and these.

If I could just get my kids to not pick them until they are RED.

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