Friday, October 1, 2010

sew & tell - curtains revisted

I've been thinking about the idea that's discussed a lot that only the polished and perfect are what people show on their blogs.  I hope that by now you all now I am not always a perfectionist, but I still don't like to admit to the messes I inevitably make or ignore.  In a spirit of coming clean and keeping it real, I haven't cropped these pictures down. Now you can see what a house with 3 small children and a mom who would rather sew than pick-up every minute of the day looks like.

I had a pretty productive sewing week.  I've had projects laying around that just needed to be made so I wouldn't have to figure out where to store the materials anymore!

I whipped up another small tote for a neighbor's 3rd birthday party.  
I LOVE this Henna print. I *need* to buy it in every color!  Have you seen the new muted colors from Meadowsweet 2?
Please wear responsibly.

Boy fabric is hard to come by and I finally had an excuse to make this into a blanket for my friend Shayna who had her baby this week!  I love minky and camo together.  Such drama!  Such contrast!

For the record, I am a total minky snob.  I won't buy the knock-offs that are, admittedly, cheaper.  It doesn't seem to hold up as well. has a great selection of the real stuff and you can always get a coupon and free shipping.

Ever since my friend and interior designer, Heidi, helped me with my collage wall, I've wanted to get the curtains up in my dining room.  The rods were laying around and bugging me.  One of the curtains was already made and I just needed to make the casing on the other one.  I made one of these last year (Sept. 3) for my very first sew & tell post!  I didn't realize that I was going to be able to share them again just one year later!  At the time I cut both curtains out but never used the other one.  I put the rod up and realized it they were long enough if I let out the hem.  So did.  And I serged the edges.  And they hang just like that.  And you are the only ones who know...
And yes, that is a tray hanging on the wall over there.  I'm going to show you what I did. I just have to get the post written.  It might be a while!

NEW RULES FOR LINKING UP!  I'll explain more later.  Please read carefully.
1. One linky per person of a sewing project. 
2. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
3. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written earlier in the week.
4. Link back here with a link or a button.
5. Comment away!
I have a back-to-school post I'm writing about sew & tell.  Bottom line, I want to make sure every minute you spend here is worthwhile!  My teacher-self from a former life is coming back to crack down!  (No smiling until Christmas.  hehe)

My husband is getting promoted today!  So I will be pinning on his new ranks this morning, but I'll be around to visit you all later.  How about another Marine Corps 101 post?

What sewing project did you finish this week?

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