Monday, October 4, 2010

i've got amazing friends

And you all fit in that category!

Thank you so much for your nice comments every week.  And for loving sew & tell so much.  You all certainly keep me going.  I have so many things on my to-do list and posting for sew & tell keeps me working instead getting overwhelmed by everything.  Well, maybe I still get overwhelmed, but I like the feeling when I finish something.

Do you want to see some cool stuff some other amazing friends have done for me?

Most of you sew&tellers know E. from pinksuedeshoes.  I've taken to just calling her pink.  She called me a few weeks ago from one of her favorite thrift stores and then texted me a picture of this:
Her question:  I just saw this for $10, do you want me to pick it up for you?
Turquoise? Sewing Machine?  I think you know my answer!  Now I owe her $10, in quarters.  Because yes, that's how she paid!  Love her!  Thanks Pink!

And you may have seen Aunt Spicy's Scotty dogs from a Denyse Schmidt pattern!  I got a surprise in the mail from her a few weeks ago!  She said it was for babylouwho, but I may just have to keep her.
We had a terrier growing up and I've always had a soft spot in my heart for them.  I think these patchwork ones are just so cute!

Aunt Spicy and I were introduced by Amy of Diary of a Quilter (who I met last January).  Amy thought we would have fun together and we lived in the same area.  We emailed and commented on each others blogs and even spoke of the phone a few times.  Unfortunately, because of my crazy having a baby and then moving plan and her busy job we never had a chance to meet.  Until a couple weeks ago!  She blogged about it here.  It was a fun time spent at IKEA!!  Thanks for the pup and the IKEA trip and thanks Amy, for introducing a new friend!

My friend Kim doesn't blog, but should (hint hint).  I talked about her a while ago when she gave me a lovely collection of Heather Ross in pink for my baby girl.  I need to figure out what to make her with it.  Kim and I met at Costco.  She's like a kindred sewing spirit and I was sad to move away before we could spend much time together.  I saw her a couple weeks ago too.  And she sent me home with this:

and this:

and this:

perfect for a quilt for my little guy named:
It's a good thing I didn't take a picture of her stash.  If I did, you would all be googling her to figure out where she lives so you could raid it.  She is a kind and generous friend.  I have enough of this to make a twin sized quilt!  I just love those goldfish - they are perfect!!  Thank you Kim!!
I know this is getting lengthy.  I've got a couple more things to show... I'll save them for another day.  But let's just say, baby booties and Japanese fabric.

What's a favorite sewing related gift you have received?  Seriously, I want to know!

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