Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

spread the Love

And pay it forward!!

I came across this on a friend's blog yesterday and thought it was such a great idea! I've been in the mood to do another giveaway - and this is the perfect thing for right now, when I don't necessarily have anything ready to give toute de suite. I have a friend who used to pay for the car behind us when going through toll booths - it was SO fun! And Operation Nice always has fun ideas like this to help us be a little better.

Here is what you do...the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post will receive, at some point during the year, a handmade gift from me. What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise! The catch is that you must participate as well. Before you leave your comment, type up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. Then come back and let me know you are going to play and sit back and anticipate the arrival of your gift! Please leave your e-mail address linked to your profile or in your comment to me. Thanks and be quick!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

attitude adjustment

We have a new JoAnn's in town. I wasn't that excited. I mean the two that are near me (both 15 miles away - and virtually the only fabric store choices around) were dark, and cramped and dirty - with not a great selection. So I was lured to the new store by a 50% off coupon. I figured at the very least I could buy some ribbon.

Well my attitude took a 180 degree turn as soon as I walked into a big, clean, well-lit store with smiling workers! WOAH!! Looks like they all had attitude adjustments too. Now, it's not like they have Amy Butler, but I did find this cute quilter's flannel that was a perfect match for some pink minky with which I've been wanting to make a receiving blanket. And I have to admit, they had a lot of other cute stuff too (some of which I bought - see above pic).

I couldn't leave the boys out!

I just listed these in my etsy shop over there on the right.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

cilantro: an ode to Penny. and Lolly.

Lolly is part of A Notion or Two with me. Her blog is delightful and she's always sharing cute things to download and print as well as guest recipe each Sunday. I was reading last Sunday's post and saw that Penny was the guest! Penny, from Sewtakeahike, was my partner in swapping crime last fall and I've really enjoyed getting to know her. She is sweet, kind, generous, helpful and creative! You really should check out her tutorials and the PDF downloads she has available too.

I had fun reading the interview Lolly did and found out that Penny loves cilantro! Another reason we are friends. I told her about this dressing recipe I had and that I would post it for her.

There is this place I love to eat when I go to Utah to visit my mom. It's called Cafe Rio and their pork barbacoa is, um, well, . . . I'm at a loss for words. It's incredible. It's sweet and juicy and I can never get enough. When you have it with their fresh tortillas it's like candy. You can watch them make their tortillas while you wait in line. I think I read on one of their signs that they don't even have freezers in their restaurants - everything is FRESH.

They have a dressing for their salads that's to-die-for. I've come across many recipes trying to copy their concoctions. The pork is difficult to recreate but I think I've tweaked the dressing recipe so that it comes pretty close.

It's really pretty simple. Just put the following in your blender:

1 packet buttermilk recipe ranch dressing

1/2 to 1 cup mayo (the more you use the thicker the dressing - I use less)
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 bunch cilantro (stems trimmed)
5-6 pickeled jalapeno slices
5-6 tomatillos (fresh or canned)
lime juice to taste (I'm generous)

Puree until smooth,

admire it's pretty green color and dark flecks of green,

Proceed to put it on anything and everything you can get your hands on!

I love this on taco salad, tacos, nachos, as a dip, on a spoon, through a straw. You get the idea!

So Penny, I hope you enjoy this! And thank you for the award!

I can think of so many people I would like to pass this on to. So consider yourself awarded if you are reading this or find your link on my sidebar. I'm continually impressed, amazed and inspired by all the awesome things I see people doing on their blogs. Thank you all for motivating me to do the things I love to do. I love sharing them with you! I'm not sure I would be as productive without this supportive community to share with.

:::If you are interested in my reworkings of the other recipes (sweet pork, cilantro-lime rice, black beans) for the salad, leave me a comment with your email and I can send you a word doc. I don't know how to make PDFs. :::

Thursday, February 19, 2009

:*deep breath*:

Okay. breathe in, breathe out. I've decided to share a little something. Something that totally embarrasses me. Something few of my real-life friends have seen because I always shut the door!! I've seen a lot of my blogging buddies keeping it real. And I've decided it's my turn. I get a lot people saying things like, "where do you find the time?". Well, I find the time because I'm neglecting other things.

Things like this.

(but isn't that a nice duvet cover? sad it was lost in the clutter.)

See that dresser? Major clutter magnet. See the stack of cluttered reading material? Needs a home. See all those clothes in the corner? Also need a home.

One of the advantages of a sick sleepless baby is quiet time to nurse and blog surf. I'm not sure how I came across her, but I'm SO glad I did. The nester, as she calls herself, is totally inspiring when it comes to making your home home-y (not homely!). She blogs at The Nesting Place. She uses some of Flylady's principle (who has helped me be a better housekeeper) which I loved!

click above to see more about it!

The nester had a series over the last week or so about 10 minute room makeovers. The thing that I loved is that she also rents. I think I've used that as an excuse for not making my home nice to be in. Sure, I try to keep my main living room clean-ish so it looks presentable when people come over, but the rest of my house needed (some still needs) some serious help. Closet space issues aside, I decided to take the bull by the horns and make some much needed changes.

That's one of the new rugs I just recently bought - I love it in here, even though I originally got it for the living room.

Much better, no? I put our reading material in crates under our nightstands (which I plan on making covers for) and moved the dresser into the closet - per her suggestion. The 'bench' is the ottoman to a chair in our living room (there isn't really room for it in there). Now my husband can put his boots on in the morning without sitting on the bed and waking me up! I have fabric for pillowcases and such and now I'm inspired to get those done. And how about a cool fabric collage for a mock-headboard?

I had been wanting to move things around but our room is pretty small for that dresser AND a bed so I was having a hard time figuring out what to do. Once I thought that I might be able to move the dresser I couldn't go back to sleep! That morning I measured the dresser and the closet to make sure it would fit and it does - barely! Then I spent the rest of the day moving things out, in and around!! (thanks for your help, Megan!) And the rest of the day finding new homes for things. And getting rid of 3 boxes of stuff. Okay so maybe it took longer than 10 minutes. But whatever - it needed to be done.

It's amazing how much the room is opened up by moving the dresser. I love it! I actually want to go in there. And it makes me want to keep it clean.

Don't worry though. I still have piles of things to take care of.

Like this one.

It's not perfect - but it's improving!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

yellow week

Erin at House on Hill Road is hosting yellow week. I decided I could use a little spring in my winter too!

Lots of kids toys are yellow - maybe that's why they are always so happy?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

sick days

It's been one of those weeks. My husband was out of town and both kids decided to get REALLY sick. Which translated into me getting LITTLE sleep. So by Thursday I decided we weren't going ANYwhere the rest of the weekend. So even though I've managed (thus far) to not get sick - I declared some sick days. And settled into some projects.

I'm not ready to show you the whole thing yet - but here's a little birthday gift for a friend of mine who shares her birthday with a major national holiday. The supremely embarrassing part of this gift isn't that it's totally holiday-themed, it's the fact that I started this so long ago I can't remember exactly when it was!!! I think it was 2000. (or 2001 - like I said I can't be sure). I started it in Utah, before I got married. It stayed there while I moved to D.C., got married, and then it found it's way to me at some point while we were in California. (This story is becoming reminiscent of this quilt's story.) I had some trouble with the star and that's the last I remember. It made the move with us to Virginia almost 3 years ago and I JUST pulled it out. I was tired of the space it was taking up. Plus, really, doesn't it just need to be finished?!

I was really excited when I pulled it out the other day to realize that yes, in fact, it was ready to be quilted!! I had forgotten that I used my mom's nice machine to fix the star and then she helped me get it laid out with the batting and backing. The only problem: I've never machine quilted. Well, that's not true. My mom and her sisters have a long-arm Gammil. I quickly found out that process is totally different than using a walking foot on a regular machine. I just quilted along the lines of the seams, I tried a little freehand in the border and decided I wasn't ready for that yet. I think I need a different foot.
Let's just be clear - it's not perfect. And that's okay. I learned a lot of valuable lessons. Pin MORE!! Use flatter sturdier batting! Start in the middle!!! And maybe practice on a smaller project. I'm hoping once I have the binding on and it's washed it will just look like it has a lot of CHARACTER, not just a lot of mistakes.

I'll post final pics soon. I can't drag this out anymore. . . Or can I??

I was so frustrated the other night with aforementioned project that I decided to work on my block for A Notion or Two, the virtual quilting bee of which I am a member. Amy asked us to do a wonky log cabin with a black embroidered or appliqued bird on the block. I thought it might be satisfying to work on something and finish it in one night. It was nice!

Sarah directed me to Tallgrass Prairie Studio where there is a great tutorial for wonky log cabins. It was a lot of fun. I only had to redo two strips - one because I sewed it on the wrong way (I'm sleep deprived) and the last one because my wonkiness was too extreme and I was having a hard time squaring up the block. I'm excited to try some more. I like the possibility of variation.

I googled bird sillouhettes and found all sorts of great images - but I really liked this one. It's a mockingbird, and I just love his stature! I have definitely have room for improvement, but it was really fun to do this. I like him so much I may just use the same pattern for when I do my block for my quilt.

I know, I really should have mine done already since my month was January. But aren't you impressed that I got this block done before the middle of the month? I am! Maybe I really am a recovering procrastinator. oh wait, no I'm not. I just saw my bedroom. How many ways can you spell D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R?

But I'm just not ready to post pictures of that. I admire those of you who are.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

long lost projects

This little hooded towel was supposed to be made last year. Closer to his birth - not first BIRTHday. Oh well, I decided I was tired of the storage space this unfinished project was occupying, and I think he was tired of using the pink hooded towel with his sister's name on it. I whipped it up yesterday. And I forgot how really easy it is to do. It took only 5 minutes to pin and sew it together. I have made these before and just copied the ones that other's had made for me. I thought about doing a tutorial - but I googled it instead and found this one at Skip to My Lou.

It's actually a different method than what I did - but still cute. I also like to embroider their names on them. I used a washcloth instead of a handtowel. Now that I can see the difference I would use a hand towel next time. It makes a bigger hood. I have to say, I love a baby wrapped in a hooded towel. Post-bath is designated snuggle time around here and if it gets threatened, we hear about it!

PS - I got the towels at Kohl's and I love how thick and soft they are. They are the Sonoma brand. And really, have you noticed that Kohl's is never NOT having a sale?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

don't forget the nutella

I did it. I made some bread. I've baked bread before, but never with such success from the first try! That book I told you about, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day, is revolutionary!! I read through the first few chapters, got an understanding of the theory behind the technique and tackled it on Saturday morning. By tackling it, I mean, taking the 4 ingredients and mixing them up in a bowl - about 5 minutes - and then I let it sit for a few hours. After another few minutes of shaping the loaf and letting it rest, I popped it in the oven and this is what came out!!

I am so happy with the crackling crust and chewy interior. I can't wait to try the rest of the recipes in the book.

And I'm serious. Don't forget the Nutella.

Do you want to add buying this book and baking some bread to you to-do list? Check out a cute and sassy to-do list template download at Heirloom Paperie. (if you love paper stuff - you will love this creative paper designer!)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

good things #4-5 of 5

4. A Notion or Two quilting bee
These are all the blocks I've received so far. They are so adorable! The last ones are completed but I haven't gotten them yet - so you have to go to our photo pool on Flickr to see them. Or not. You can just wait until the whole thing is finished and I post it here. But really, do you want to wait THAT long?

5. Smitten Kitchen's Apple Cake

I made this recipe for Andrew's 1st birthday. It is so delicious!! If you need some inspiration in the kitchen Smitten Kitchen is the place to go.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

good things #2-3 of 5

so maybe I'll post 2 today.

2. Garmin Nuvi 760 and Southwest Airlines and some random good person.

Remember my husband the excellent gift giver (see #1)? He gave me a Garmin GPS for Christmas. It's true I'm a gadget geek. And this thing is great. Not only does it tell me how to get places, but it answers my phone for me and reads my text messages! How cool is that?

To make a long story short, I took it with me to Utah and it fell out of my bag on the plane on our trip back and I didn't realize it until the next day. I called SWA lost and found 2 times the following few days with little hope that it would be returned. Then. THEN! The third time was the charm and someone had turned it in. And it just came in the mail today. and I AM SO HAPPY!!! I was literally sick about it. for days. Lesson learned: People are inherently good, don't love stuff - it just breaks or dissappears - but take care of what you do have, and even little prayers are answered. (I was so desperate I emailed Garmin to see if they would donate a couple to me - one to try out and one to give away. Ummm, it was a long shot and I haven't heard back. But if I do I'll be having one SWEET giveaway!)

So to help me in the future, I bought a dymo label maker so I can label all my belongings with the following: "I am mother of 2 small children. If you have found this it's because I can barely keep track of my mind let alone my personal items. I'm sure I will realize soon that this is missing and would appreciate a phone call to let me know I need to make arrangements to retrieve it. And maybe you could pick up a couple things at the store for me while you're out?"

3. Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day

One of my favorite blogs, Blue Yonder, has talked a lot about the quest for good homemade bread. She raved about this book and so I ordered myself a copy and it arrived today! I am so excited to get started! I'll let you know how it goes. They even have a web site if you want to learn more.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

good things #1 of 5

Maybe not in the same style as Martha's good things - but good things, in my humble opinion, nonetheless. I just put all 5 in one post and decided I'd spare you the lengthy reading and post one a day for the next few days.....

1. My husband's birthday present to me.

It was my birthday back in December and my husband dear (who is a great gift giver) got us tickets to see a new stage production of Les Miserables. He heard ads for it on the radio and thought I would enjoy it. We were able to go last Friday night and IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE.

I didn't really know what to expect going into it, because from the description on the Signature Theater's web site it sounded like it was sort of like the broadway musical but they had changed it up a bit. I wasn't really sure what that would mean. I have to admit, since High School I've been a Les Mis junkie. I've seen the Broadway production 4 times. The last time I saw it was actually on Broadway and until this weekend was the best because it was one of the final weeks of their run in New York and a lot of the original cast members came back for it. It doesn't help that I lived in France and am a secret (or not so secret) francophile.

But this. This 280 seat theater meant big broadway sound and acting in a venue where every seat was a great seat. I could have touched several of the actors, I was THAT close. If you've seen the broadway version than you know how grand the staging, sets, and costuming is. Here everything on the set was black. The costumes were a variation of black, grey and white - with a little symbolic red thrown in here and there. Javert, Jean Valjean and Cosette had all played these parts in the broadway production. Javert was so passionate and angry we could see his spit flying!! (Granted, not that pleasant - but gives you an idea of the intimacy of the venue.)

I could ramble on even more, but really, there are no words to describe it.

I was in tears within the first 5 minutes.

It was the best birthday present, ever. (Now if I can convince him of an actual trip to Paris for my 40th *UGH* in a few years. . . .)

Even my husband, who is not all the emotional or into stuff like this was blown away and teared up (don't tell him I told you!)

If you live near D.C. you really should go. If you don't live near here you should make a trip of it. Let me know and I'll tell you about the great Thai place we ate at just before the show.

Monday, February 2, 2009

i'm a winner! (again!)

I read this blog, Light Refreshments Served. They have frequent giveaways and of course I'm always entering. I was a little skeptical about needing leg warmers for babies - but then I won. And then they came! and then I put them on my little guy. How cute! It was a generous prize - 3 pairs of leg warmers, a hat and flower. You can go to the SnuggleLuv web site and see all of the cute choices and order some of your own!

That hat kills me. So do chubby legs in argyle.

I have been in absentia since we got back - but I'm working on a few things and hope to have some more time to post this week now that we are somewhat back into a routine. See you soon!