Tuesday, February 3, 2009

good things #1 of 5

Maybe not in the same style as Martha's good things - but good things, in my humble opinion, nonetheless. I just put all 5 in one post and decided I'd spare you the lengthy reading and post one a day for the next few days.....

1. My husband's birthday present to me.

It was my birthday back in December and my husband dear (who is a great gift giver) got us tickets to see a new stage production of Les Miserables. He heard ads for it on the radio and thought I would enjoy it. We were able to go last Friday night and IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE.

I didn't really know what to expect going into it, because from the description on the Signature Theater's web site it sounded like it was sort of like the broadway musical but they had changed it up a bit. I wasn't really sure what that would mean. I have to admit, since High School I've been a Les Mis junkie. I've seen the Broadway production 4 times. The last time I saw it was actually on Broadway and until this weekend was the best because it was one of the final weeks of their run in New York and a lot of the original cast members came back for it. It doesn't help that I lived in France and am a secret (or not so secret) francophile.

But this. This 280 seat theater meant big broadway sound and acting in a venue where every seat was a great seat. I could have touched several of the actors, I was THAT close. If you've seen the broadway version than you know how grand the staging, sets, and costuming is. Here everything on the set was black. The costumes were a variation of black, grey and white - with a little symbolic red thrown in here and there. Javert, Jean Valjean and Cosette had all played these parts in the broadway production. Javert was so passionate and angry we could see his spit flying!! (Granted, not that pleasant - but gives you an idea of the intimacy of the venue.)

I could ramble on even more, but really, there are no words to describe it.

I was in tears within the first 5 minutes.

It was the best birthday present, ever. (Now if I can convince him of an actual trip to Paris for my 40th *UGH* in a few years. . . .)

Even my husband, who is not all the emotional or into stuff like this was blown away and teared up (don't tell him I told you!)

If you live near D.C. you really should go. If you don't live near here you should make a trip of it. Let me know and I'll tell you about the great Thai place we ate at just before the show.

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