Thursday, October 2, 2008

today was a good day

The autumn weather was perfect - slightly cool, clear "I-can't-believe-it's-that-blue" blue skies, a nice stroll down historic Caroline Street in Fredericksburg with a good friend, burritos for lunch, daily chit and chat with Carla, washing a bunch of fabric and falling in love with it all over again, teaching a yoga class, and the MAIL. Oh yes, the MAIL!! Did you know when you win giveaways and make friends that you have reason to get more in the mail besides junk mail?

My book from Bakerella came today - it's gorgeous. SO gorgeous I am a little intimidated by the techniques and supplies required . . .

But Oh, the piece de resistance (pee-ess duh ray-zee-sance, with thick French accent) was my swap package from Penny at Sewtakeahike.

A little story: First off, Penny has been one of the super friendly, helpful, experienced, crafty bloggers that has answered a lot of my questions the last few months - and inspired me creatively. She commented on my Jalapeno Pepper Jelly post that she loved the stuff. I told her if she were my neighbor I would give her a jar, just for knowing what it is. Then I said - hey! I'll just send you a jar! A few emails later and we've set up a swap (her idea, so nice!). I got her super sweet package today and I am speechless. I knew I was in for a treat when my mail all smelled of lavendar. I hope the mail lady had a relaxing day with the free aromatherapy!

Look at how dressed up each little parcel arrived. Great use of the slevedege! And that little tag? Made of fabric! So cute!

Are you kidding me? There were more little packages wrapped in the bigger ones! It was like opening my stocking on Christmas morning! Clockwise from the top - darling apron, with a monogrammed A on the pocket, silk strawberry sachet - source of intoxicating lavendar, cute tag, satin eye mask, darling pink linen bag, and some cute handmade bias tape!

And these little lovelies were inside the little bag. YUM!!
I opened the apron last and was totally speechless. I mean really, it is so cute. Alison's take on the apron was, "It's dorable[sic], mommy! I want to wear it." So she's my model - I guess since her name starts with an A too, I'll have to let her wear it. But only sometimes. . . .

Thank you so much Penny for making a great day REALLY great! Since this was my first swap ever, I'm not sure I matched up with the challenge. I just mailed it off today, so I can't tell you what's in it. I will say that this swapping thing is totally fun!

I'm feeling pretty blessed lately. Thanks to everyone who makes me smile, I think we are
all blogging for a reason - to stay connected even though our lives are so busy. Your posts and comments and friendships brighten my day, every day.

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