Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i heart spring!

The peonies.
and the berries.
Just to name a couple reasons. The peonies I cut from my in-laws yard. They are out of town and missed their bloom. I couldn't bear the thought of them blooming over there with no one around to admire them and take in their intoxicating smell. I've decided I will have peonies every spring!

We went to a local pick-ur-own berry farm today. This is what approximately 13 and half pounds of berries look like! In true kid fashion my crumbsnatchers came home with happy strawberry stained smiles and empty buckets. It's okay though - I picked more than enough and we had a great time! Jam making to follow. And probably some crepe and waffle eating too! Oh and maybe this all-in-one Strawberry Shortcake.

The lovely and talented Dana asked me if I would be interested in doing a little swap with her - a bag for some of her delicious handmade goatsmilk soap and sugar scrubs. I love handmade soaps and was flattered that she would like one of my bags!

I did a rescaling of the Paisley Garden Signature bag - this is the Paisley Garden Mini-Sig! It's basically cut in the same shape as the larger carry-the-kitchen-sink sized bag and hangs from the shoulder so you can hug it under your arm.

It has a cute little zipper pocket on the inside, (I used this tutorial from Sew, Mama, Sew.)

which features another surprise fabric! Oh how I love Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market. I told you that you would see it on here again! Remember my procrastination problem? I stalled on the zipper pocket - apprehensive to try it since it was my first one, but that tutorial made it a breeze!

I'm happy to report that it arrived at Dana's safely and she loves it! Whew!

Speaking of Dana, you have heard about this haven't you?

I'm getting ready to cut my fabric for week 2!

Are you still with me? Gee, you're nice! I've also been working on the sashing for my A Notion or Two quilt.
If it turns out like I'm envisioning it, I think I'm really going to like it!

Which reminds me, I've got to get this month's block finished! (or started, whatever....)

Friday, May 22, 2009

pink poodles and some new fabric

My sister-in-law who brought me back the cute Japanese Fabric mentioned a few times how she thought the poodle fabric would be a cute apron. I decided it was a good chance to make up an apron I had seen a couple of years ago.

It's got three large pockets (8x8) across the front and I used a pink linen blend that matched well with weight of the other fabric.

Because the poodle fabric was so cute I made it reversible without pockets on the other side.

And who can resist a little pom pom fringe?! I was worried she would think it was a bit too girly, but she loved it!

And doesn't she look cute?! Never mind she's 3 months pregnant, with number 3!

I've been doing a bit of fabric shopping lately. Surprised? You should be impressed I'm branching out!

Tina Givens Fairy Tip Toes. This stuff is amazing. I bought a panel to make something for myself. I don't know if it will just end up being a wallhanging or if I'll make a little lap quilt. At any rate, I'm totally smitten with it!

My best friend from high school has commissioned a bag for a mission trip to Austria she's going on this summer. I loved the daisies! Al Fresco by Michele D'Amore.

I was also asked by a friend to make some bedding for her baby girl that's coming in August. She came over yesterday to discuss details and pick fabrics. I'm in love with what she chose. (l-r) Amy Butler Belle Acanthus in Olive, Hot Pink minky and Sandi Henderson Farmer's Market in Medallion Bloom.

I'm going to be busy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

and another bag. and a winner!

Are you tired of bags yet? Too bad! I've been on a roll with the bag making lately!

This was special ordered by one of my sisters-in-law for her cute sister and cute new baby! She wanted sassy and hip and I think we achieved it!

Michael Miller Dressforms, Robert Kauffman dots

I love a bit of contrasting thread on black!

Now onto the winner of the fabric!

Congratulations Midnight Hysteria! Just send me your mailing address and I'll get it off into the mail this week!

I love doing giveaways, but I'm always sad I don't have enough to share with everyone . . . I have a few more planned here in the near future.

In other news, my mom came today!! She's staying for FIVE WEEKS!! She brought a whole suitcase just with fabric, projects and supplies! It's going to be good.

This sweet (but sad) post was very appropriate for me today. (And the lovely lady who wrote it is great - her husband was my wedding photographer. You may have seen his work here. And really, they are some of the nicest people I've ever met!)

I almost forgot!!! If you haven't heard yet. Dana is hosting a quilt along. And giving away lots of stuff. Including a sewing machine!!! Click on the picture to find out more!

Seriously, Dana? You are awesome!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

busy, but productive and fun!

With a deployment, illness and family in town - the last few weeks have been so crazy busy. We've had a lot of fun but we are all wiped out!! One of the ONLY good things about my husband being gone is that I have the house all to myself once the kids are in bed! The downside is I stay up way TOO late sewing and blogging and stuff (this may or may not include time on facebook). It's just really nice to have 5 uninterrupted thoughts in a row and have some clear-headed thinking time. I should probably use it to plan out meals and shopping lists or fold laundry and clean. And if I could just eliminate the need for sleep. . .

Bags have been my go-to project lately. Most of the bags I've made have been custom orders. I originally set up my etsy shop to sell them and haven't had a sale there yet. Mostly because I haven't really had any bags to list! Here's just a couple I put together for that purpose.

Sandi Henderson's Farmers Market-Henna in Red and Medallion Bloom in Pink

Amy Butler Lotus - Tree Peony and Full Moon Dots in Slate

Well, a friend of mine who has one of my bags went to a family barbecue last weekend and her sister-in-law was asking her about it. So she gave her my info and we've emailed this week. Then just like that she said she wanted this bag!

Then I listed it for her and she purchased it!!I'm so happy! It makes me feel good to think that someone likes it enough to buy it (and now I don't look totally lame with a big 0 sales by my name.) There's some certainty with custom orders - they pick the fabric a lot of times so you know they'll like it. But this felt just a little different...

I was ready to keep it. I mean, seriously, look at that fabric. Sandi Henderson is one of my designer heroes! This fabric has made a couple of appearances on this blog already, with one more in the works. I think I need it in all the other colors too.

This lovely blue number has not been claimed and I'm getting ready to list it. Should I reserve it for anyone in particular?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

japanese sewing lessons

*****giveaway closed*****

So I don't really know anything about Japanese sewing. But my sister-in-law just moved back to the states from Japan. And she brought back some Japanese fabric. And I helped her make some little bags.

I've seen lots of matroyshka fabric on lots of different blogs. But to see it up close and personal? Ohhhhh, so sweet! And this was almost a linen weight, so it was just right for these little gems.
These are the same size as the little bag I posted here. Perfect for little girls to carry some stuff around in.

And who could resist pink poodles?

I helped her make some pillows a while ago the last time she was here to visit. So I thought she might know something about fabric stores over there. I asked her if she had been and if she would be willing to shop for me. She was SO nice and took pictures and emailed them to me and then went back and bought some yard lengths.

This is some of what she brought back for me! And I just can't keep all this cuteness to myself.

So I guess you could say I'm having a giveaway! Leave me a comment by Friday, 9 PM Pacific and I will pick a winner of 4 fat quarters.

If you want to share on your blog - you may use an image and just leave me a separate comment telling me you've done so. Please make sure you have an email attached in some way so that I can contact you! I'll pick a winner using the random number generator thingy and announce the winner Monday morning!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

april's quilting bee block

April was a really busy month. Now that my pity party is over (well mostly) I'm geared up for the next three months while hubby is gone. Thank you everyone for your well wishes and support. It was very sweet to read all of your comments the other day. I totally appreciate it!

Everyone here has been sick at one point and now it's my turn. I don't recommend piecing a block while drugged up on sinus infection meds. I only had to rip out and resew four or five times. And the border got chopped because I made the block too big on accident. I need sleep.

This is my block for April. I hope Russ likes it.

I was going for a pinwheel thing and realized after it was put together that the pinwheels don't pop like I wanted them too. I still like it, it's just not what I had in my head.

I've been wanting to try something new each month and I've never done half-square triangles, but they were pretty easy. But you have to be really precise when you cut that diagonal line or they don't all end up the same size.

I started this bag months ago in an attempt to rescale the Paisley Garden Signature bag, which is rather large. This was way too small. So now my little parrot/monkey/copycat has her own bag to wear. Just like I wear mine. It was sad to see her try to "messenger-style" everything in the house (including some baskets) and not have it work. This strap is perfect - I just used some left over 2" wide grosgrain ribbon.

Did you want to know how cute the shoes are that I mentioned the other day? You'd better not be surprised at the color!

Never mind the pasty legs. I got these from Land's End. They are super comfy but were actually a little too big. I went in today and exchanged them for a half-size smaller. Did you know that Sears has Land's End shops? They have great customer service and even though I ordered these online I was able to return them to the store, order a new pair, and not pay shipping! Wow. Can't wait until they come back so I can wear them!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

a little magic trick

Did you know you can turn this:

into one of these?
I have an old friend who I've recently reconnected with and she found out I was sewing again. She said to me one day, "Do you have a serger? I have one I hardly use and I was going to sell it on Craigslist. I will give it to you in exchange for a bag..." I didn't really have to think twice about that one. Now I just need to learn how to use it.

I mean really, did you know this fabric was THIS gorgeous? I didn't. And the more I work with it the more I want to plaster it on my walls. Which I found out you can do! But that's a story for another day.

When I finished it I told my friend I might need to just give her the serger back. I mean, c'mon!! She looks so pretty on my blue chair! It's okay though, I bought some more - maybe I'll make a little bolster for my chair.

In other fabric news. . .
I'm still sad about the whole extinction of the Belle and Lotus lines.


I think Tula Pink's new line may just mend my broken heart.