Friday, February 24, 2012

sew & tell v3.20: the beginnings of a quilt

So I was feeling the itch to work on brotherlouwho's quilt recently. I feel like there's always sewing to do for my family and then other stuff gets in the way.  So when I asked him if he wanted to help me, he was all sorts of enthusiastic!

I was gifted these lovely Heather Ross fabrics and some Katie Jump Rope by sweet Kim from My Go-Go Life over a year ago, and they've been begging me to play with them.  So during babylouwho's nap the other day I had him help me fussy cut some more 5.5 inch squares for the blocks.
I let him sit on my lap and help me sew the blocks together.  My seams may or may not be that straight.  But it's okay, he was having a ball!
When he saw the first block completed he said, "Mom! It looks like a picture frame around the fishies!"  Loved it! He's caught the vision.
And now I've found a cure for my procrastination, just ask for his help with my projects.  He asks everyday now if we can work some more on his quilt.  And we've gotten several more blocks finished!
Yesterday when we were sitting at the machine together he said to me, "Mom you're a good artist at sewing."  Are you kidding me?  I'll keep him, tantrums and all. 

I'm working on this quilt in an improv sort of way.  I have a lot of the middle squares cut and I'm cutting the sashing strips as we go.  I have no idea how big this quilt will end up being or how many squares I need.  It's fun to let him help me pick everything out as we go. It's also nice to not spend hours cutting a bunch of fabric out.

These blocks start with a 5.5" square and 2.5" strips (2 strips at 5.5" sewn to the top and bottom.  2 strips at 9.5" sewn on each side).  A classic square in square design.  My plan is to sort of alternate orange and blue the whole way through.  I like the direction we're going so far.  And when he just saw these pictures up here, he said, "Hey mom, can we work on this some more today?"

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