Friday, April 29, 2011

sew & tell - April 2011 - sewing groups

Hello! I feel like it's been forever since a sew & tell post, but it's only been a month.  It's been a busy month over here.  Time really does fly when, well. . .sometimes we are having fun.  Other times it's just a lot of running around and trying to keep up with everything!

I've met a lot of lovely friends since my move and have found that many of them:
  1. love to sew, and know what they are doing.
  2. have sewn a little bit and want to sew more.
  3. have a machine and want to learn but have no idea where to start.
I have taken it on as my personal mission to light the sewing fire under anyone who is ready and willing.  My plan for world domination starts with changing the world one new sewist at a time!

Most of my friends have young children that make it difficult to have uninterrupted sewing time and most of us have little girls.  So we hatched a plan.

A sewing night free of children where we make darling skirts for our girls!!  Remember these skirts that I made for mine last winter?  We planned a Saturday night to get together so I could show them how to make them. And it was so much fun to sit around and snack and chat and cut and sew!  I even got to take a trip to our LQS earlier in the day and found some darling Lila Tueller fabric.

Which I whipped into this little skirt.
summer skirts

I can't really stand how cute this fabric is!

This was the perfect skirt to work on that night because I was able to demonstrate how to make and sew gathers and finish it (except the hem and elastic) while I helped everyone else.

So that's my finish. I almost have a tiny one finished for babylouwho too!

But on to the good part of the story.  My friend Teri is an example of a the #1 sewer, she pretty much knew what she was doing and didn't need a lot of help.  Her first skirt was almost finished when we left.
Teri's first skirt

I was surprised the next day at church to see her daughter wearing it! I loved that she stayed up to finish it!

I was at her house this week and she showed me what she has done in the few weeks since we had our little soiree.  THREE more adorable skirts!
and her next 3!

She even added her own twist by sewing a tier on with that cute little ruffle at the TOP of the tier!  And doing a contrasting hem on the other!

Awesome!!  Her next project is a quilt from Amy's Modern Basics - she is just waiting on one more piece of fabric.  I can't wait to show you what she is going to do!!

Next up is Shayna.  She's more a #2.  She's sewn a bit but wants to sew more.  She has four darling children.  Her last two are barely 14 months apart.  She suffers from can't-leave-the-house-because-someone-is-always-taking-a-nap syndrome.  She was starting to get a little stir-crazy and wanted to do something besides clean.  She also needed a new diaper bag.

So she came shopping in my stash and I helped her make an amylouwho signature bag.  We spent a few days working on it together.  I would go over and help her with a section and leave some instructions.  She would call me as soon as she was ready and ask what was next!  I loved how eager she was and how driven she was to finish.  And I have to say, I'm quite smitten with it.  I almost wish it were mine....
Shayna's awesome bag

I love the Midwest Modern exterior with the LOVE sunspots on the inside.  And the key hook!  Everyone's favorite part!
Shayna's bag - interior

and don't you love her belt? And the way her hands are free but has everything she needs within arms reach?
bag in action!

She came to our sewing night too - I mean, she was on fire!! She sewed up this little skirt for her little cutie!
Chloe's skirt

and THEN, the next week she made a little matching bag, the amylouwho mini-sig.
amylouwho mini-sig

and for cuteness sake, I had to show the whole ensemble!
chloe's ensemble

I love how excited Shayna is to keep sewing.  She keeps sending me links of the next project she wants to sew! 

She has the advantage of not being a fabric-hoarder.  She picks a project and then buys the fabric.  Me on the other hand... I find fabric and dream of all the possibilities while my stash multiplies in the dark.

One of the other ladies who came picked out some awesome frog fabric with bright colors that fits her daughter's personality to a T. She's a number 3.  She has a machine, but it had been stored in the garage for quite sometime and she was finding all sorts of debris (read: dead bugs) in her machine.  We had some good laughs over that!  I've got to get back together with her so we can finish hers up.

I love how sewing has brought something enriching to each of our lives.  It's time we can spend doing something we enjoy and bless others at the same time.  We as women really have a need within to create.   
"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."
~ Dieter F. Uchtodorf
I just love this video that talks about just that. (It's only 2 minutes ~ And he has a really great accent!)

Remember a while back when I had a giveaway and as an entry you had to tell me about a favorite experience or favorite thing about teaching someone else to sew (go read your responses - they were awesome!)? Or when I asked you to share your favorite sewing memory (responses here)?

I remember being touched by the lovely senitments expressed.  Grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, all forming relationships over sewing.  Dresses, pillows, doll clothes, quilts, baby bedding, anything!  This desire to create not only is fulfilling on a personal level but also in those relationships we form while doing so.  I just love it!!!!

I've wanted to issue this challenge for a while now, but didn't know how to present it until I started thinking about sew & tell this month.  For the next two months (at least) I want you to find someone who needs some encouragement sewing. 

I'm surprised how many people I have talked to who have a brand new sewing machine that hasn't been taken out of the box in (fill in the blank) years.

They are out there, closet sewers in hiding!  Find them! Inspire them!  Sew with them!  AND THEN. Come back here for sew & tell and link up your blog post sharing your experience!

I promise it will be fun and rewarding and you will be happier for doing it!

But for today, what have you finished in the last month?
NEW RULES FOR LINKING UP!  Please read carefully.  The delete monster will be eating non-compliant links.
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell.  If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button.
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!

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