Monday, July 21, 2008

Mollie's Bag

Yay! Another completed project! I'm feeling pretty good about finishing anything lately - baby boy is requiring so much more time and big sister is being really patient with me. The unexpected appendectomy a week ago certainly threw a wrench in my attempts at productivity too. Oh yeah, and then my iron decided to freak out on me again this morning and melt the interfacing on the bag. Luckily it was a tiny spot and NOT noticeable. And thankfully Rowenta is paying to ship it to them this time to inspect it. I love my iron - I don't like how unreliable it's been so far. But I didn't want this post to turn into a rant about that. I'm reserving final judgement to see what happens . . .

I used Michael Miller's Multi Posey border print and coordinating pods in pink for the lining.


  1. Dude,

    That bag is ridiculous and your garden is adorable AND actually producing...
    Quit being so cute and productive and green thumby, I'm getting a complex.

  2. what a beautiful bag, you should be so proud! Dont you hate when irons melt the interfacing...its happened way to often to me!

  3. Super cute! I love how "mormon" you are... totally just kidding!!! Your creations are way cuter & much more posh than anything that I've ever seen at a Relief Society bazar! Do they still have those???

    Miss you.

  4. I love this bag!! How do I get one?
