Friday, September 21, 2012

sew & tell v4.3 ~ bee block extravaganza!

I guess you could say this is the month of the bee block at my house.  I was able to get my fabrics sent out this week and have finished 3 more blocks with one more to go so I can get caught up.  Can anyone say disorganized!  It's going to feel so good to be caught up!!

I loved making this sweet block for Amy (Diary of a Quilter).  She has the best color choices, always!  I love how bright and fun it is.  I wanted to make her 2 but I didn't stretch out her prints enough and only had enough for one block.  But I love it!
My contribution to the sewing today. She was way more productive than I was! @amyusmart hope you like it! #beeskneesquiltbee

I like the spontaneity of log cabins, but if you don't really plan it out a little ahead of time you might end up tearing out a round like I ended up doing so more of the blue would show once it was finished!

I also finished up two blocks for Amy (Amy's Creative Side).  These Echino prints with the crossweave solid is so fun!  I've never actually worked with any Echino and now I want to find a bunch and buy it up!
Block #2for Amy E.

Block #1 for Amy E.

Her quilt is going to be so fun! I can't wait to see all the blocks together.

My mom is here visiting and all of our plans to get a ton of stuff done hasn't really worked out like we thought.  We have managed to take care of the littleslouwho and keep the house picked up, so there's that! She did help me get my packets mailed out.  She had never done string blocks before so she offered to sew mine up for me!  She did a fantastic job of course.

First block done! Thanks mom!! #sewingdateswithmomrock

Block 2! My mom is the best! (for #beeskneesquiltbee members: we got two blocks out of the fabric bundles in case you feel inclined.)

She discovered that the 12" scrapbook paper that I sent out was actually too thick for paper piecing.  She did the second block with a 12.5" square of newsprint and that was much easier.  I'm so excited to put these together!

So I'm planning on finishing up the last of my bee blocks today and then maybe I'll have something new to show you next week!

What did you finish this week?

Linky Rules.  Please follow along for a fun party!
1. Please write the post for sew & tell - or add a blurb mentioning sew & tell to a post written since the last sew & tell.  If you are linking to a post with your own tutorial, please make sure it was a finish from this week and that the completed project is shown first.
2. One linky per person. (please put multiple projects in one post.)
3. Link to your specific post.  (See here for permalink instructions - or email me.)
4. Link back here with a link or a button (HTML on my sidebar).
5. Be sure to visit and leave comments on other's posts!

Please put your (blog)name instead of your project name, it helps us get to know each other better!

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