Wednesday, August 31, 2011

post hurricane recap

Hey Everyone! We made it through the storm mostly unscathed.  Other than no sleep or power for 2 days and a post hurricane cold that has beat me down for the last two days we're doing well.

I snuck out to the beach on Friday morning as the surf was supposed to start getting rougher.  It wasn't as impressive as I'd have liked, but the waves were pretty consistent and big. It's hard to really see in the pictures but there are more beach photos on Flickr.

We lost power just after 10 Friday night.  At 11 the tornado sirens went off.  So we brought everyone downstairs and they thought it was a party.  The kids were all up for at least another hour.  And babylouwho decided to babble to herself well into another hour after that.  The winds started howling about 3 AM.  It was hard to sleep.  I'm so glad we had our emergency radio and Facebook on mrlouwho's smartphone.  They kept us up to speed throughout the day.

Since we didn't have power we didn't see any news coverage so I had to go out and see for myself what the damage was.

There was a lot of this Saturday evening as I drove around our neighborhood.
view a

I thought our yard looked bad, but we just had a smattering of pine boughs and a couple large branches down.  The street behind us had trees down at about every other house.  The storm was only a CAT 1, but with the amount of rain it brought and the fact that the storm moved slowly through the area meant a lot of shallow rooted trees were simply water logged and blew over.  You can see more photos of what I saw in another Flickr set.

This was a nice sight as it was the first light we saw after the storm moved through.  It was about 7:00 Saturday night.
first light after the storm
We spent most of the afternoon on Sunday cleaning up our yard.  There was debris everywhere. 
before clean up
The kids helped out quite a bit. Even if the tools were way bigger than they were.
big helper

We were exhausted and HOT by the time we were finished.

We were VERY happy when the power came back on that night so we had a cool house to sleep in.  The kids were so excited that we thought they were going to jump through the ceiling when the lights all came on!

Then I caught mrlouwho's cold.  I'll spare you the gorey details but let's just say by Tuesday afternoon I was slammed in bed without any energy to do anything.  Good thing my kids behaved themselves and mrlouwho came home early with a pizza.  I'm feeling much much better today.  Maybe now I'll be able to finish up some things I've been working on.  I might even have some down time to blog about them!  It's nice having sisterlouwho in school.  She loves it and I've regained a little bit more time during the day.

See you soon!

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