Tuesday, April 14, 2009

happy spring!

and belated Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I just wanted to share a couple of nifty egg ideas, um, for .... ahem, NEXT year. :)

There's always the traditional PAAS egg dying kit. Fun! and a blast from my childhood. But now there are 9 colors or something - I almost didn't have enough containers!

I saw this cute tutorial at V. and Co. for fabric covered eggs - and it was pretty easy! Although if you look at the orange egg you can see it wasn't put on an orange egg - I would spray the eggs white next time if my fabric doesn't coordinate with the egg color.

Now, do you remember this post? I love the idea of paying it forward. Well, because I responded to a similar post on my friend's blog she brought me these lovelies the other day!

Don't ask me how she did it. It has to do with silk ties and wrapping the eggs with them and then some fabric and then boiling them with vinegar and water... all I know it that they were the coolest eggs I've ever seen!!! And they made pretty darn good deviled eggs too.

Okay, I just googled silk tie egg dye and there were a ton of references. And, as I suspected it's from Martha!

This is as close as I got to a family Easter picture.... hmmm, I couldn't even get one of my two kids together. I'm not sure getting a group shot is possible. . . at least he's smiling!

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