Friday, April 18, 2008

In My Own Backyard

I love SPRING!! I took these pictures on our walk last Friday.

Flowering Plum

Flowering Cherry

These are a little fuzzy because he wouldn't let me get too close. But this was just down the street from my house! I zoomed in with photoshop to get a better look. These birds are all over down here. I forget how close I am to the Potomac.


  1. Hi there!

    Just passing by. I really like the photos of the flowers. We don't get a lot of those here (Philippines), but this week trees have been shedding (?) yellow leaves or flowers. It's really pretty because they fall like rain.

    But it can be a pain cleaning the mess up.

  2. Aah! Spring! We don't have any flowering trees yet. Those birds are so cool and I loved hearing "The Way I am" on your site!

  3. I love Great Blue Herons. Except for the one time I went on a bike ride with my mother by a lake and both of my tires popped and we had to walk under a tree with about 15 of them flying around us. That was a little freaky. Cool pics!

  4. Gorgeous photos! You really have an eye:)
