Thursday, August 17, 2006


Having created a site for my daughter and my family and seeing all of the cool things people are doing with their blogs I am inspired to keep a blog of my own. I am a mommy - it's true - I am defined much more by that than I realized. But there is more - I am still a wife, friend, daughter, sister, francophile, wannabe gourmet chef, foodie, reader, writer (journal keeper), amateur photographer, scrapbooker, seamstress, yogi, musician, marathoner, triathelete, doodler and more. All those things I try to do during her naps and after bedtime when the house is quiet and I have uninterrupted time to think. To paraphase Buzz Lightyear - 'To Mommy and BEYOND!'


  1. You are all those things and MORE! Yay!

  2. Good for you! I often find myself "lost" when going through the motions. Every waking moment seems to be consumed with kiddie stuff. Kurt and I find that we have to take time away, all alone, to do WHATEVER it is we want to do!
