Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Adrenaline High

No I didn't run a marathon, sky dive, or have a near-death experience. I bought some new fabric today! When I was at the dentist last week a couple of the hygenists were admiring my bag (see previous post). I left the office with clean teeth and two orders for bags.

I've decided that I'm going to use different fabric for each bag that I make, because picking the fabric is half the fun! Plus, then each bag is truly a one-of-a-kind piece. They were totally excited and wanted me to pick out the fabric, they just told me what colors they liked. So I went to my new favorite fabric store that sells Amy Butler, Moda and Michael Miller designs and I got some of each! It was so fun! Here are the combo for the bags. The outside fabric is on the left and the lining on the right.

Amy Butler Nigella collection - I may actually buy more of this and make new bedding, I love it too much to just make a bag to sell. I may make the bag and just keep it!! (Is it ethical to price things higher because I don't want to part with it?)

Moda Flutterby collection - this just strikes the right notes with me

Michael Miller - not sure the collection name but I really like the fun, bright, whimsical nature of this. Plus I think the border print will work up really well for the bag.

Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Finished!!!

I was having a hard time with the strap for this thing, but after about 7 attempts, I think I finally got it right. Then there was a small hiccup with the inside piece being just a tad too big because of the interfacing. So a few stitches later and some top stitching around the top and Voila! It's done and I love it! The only thing left to do is scotch guard it. I don't want it getting all dirty!

Like I said before this is an AMY BUTLER print. Her designs are so fresh and happy! I can't wait to buy more of her fabric. More to come. . .