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Hey! It's me! The owner of this blog. . . Remember, Amy? Amylouwho? {chirp chirp} No? Doesn't ring a bell? {Is this thing on??} Well, that's okay, I've been away for a while. Thanks again so much to Penny @ sewtakeahike, E. @ pinksuedeshoes, and Nicole @ Who does these things? They did a great job - and don't be too sure that you won't see them again! I still have a lot of unpacking to do, friends to make, weight to lose and child-rearing to tend to. I do think I've carved out a little space to do some sewing, so that's good!
We are attempting to settle in, and it's not as easy as I thought it would be. The kids alone are taking longer to adjust. And they are not only adjusting to a new house, but a new baby sister, new friends, and new everything! Well, except Target and Costco - two constants that always feel like home! :)
Speaking of feeling like home...
My mom was working on this little table topper when I was at her house in January. It's a disappearing 9 patch with an adorable brown and white polka dot sashing separating the blocks. The main fabric is Santorini by Lila Tueller.
I liked it when I saw it, but it didn't grab me at first. Then she sent these pictures of it completed the other day!! Oh my!! It's so pretty! I love how the brown sashing mimics the stained glass look of the fabrics. And that green border - I just love that bright green!
Too bad for me, I didn't speak up soon enough. She donated it to her guild's auction the other night. :( It would have looked so cute on our new table in our new dining room! double :( !
I should learn by now that I'll pretty much like anything she makes! And yes, that's more quilting by my aunt. She's good.
Don't you think my mom should start a blog?? I've told her she should, but I guess if she doesn't I can always share her stuff here when I haven't got anything of my own...
What sewing project did you finish this week?
Please refer to the sew & tell page if you have any questions or wonder why your link may have been deleted.
1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week.
2. Please mention sew & tell in your post and link back to this post (link or button) so everyone can join in.